
Our Story 2.0 - Elisha | Sunday Service 10:30am

July 14, 2024 • 2 Kings 2

Elisha was a prophet in Israel and continued the work Elijah had begun of ridding the land of Baal worship and turning hearts back to God. As God's prophet, Elisha He was used by God throughout the land, performing miracles, helping kings, and giving God's warnings. Elisha knew God, His power, His enabling, and His protection. When the Syrian army surrounded Elisha to capture him, Elisha prayed that his servant's eyes would be opened to see God's protection and that the army's eyes would be blinded to Elisha's identity and that is what God did!

The hero of this story is God who gives both sight and blindness, protection and power and answers the prayers of His servant Elisha. The reality of God's work in this world exists whether we can see it or not! Like Elisha's servant, we often can see the danger or trouble surrounding us, but are unaware of God's protection, deliverance, and presence surrounding us too. We need God to open our eyes so that we can have our perspectives aligned with what is real beyond what we can physically see. Jesus helps us recognize God's power and presence in our lives, enabling us to trust Him with the challenges we face.

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