Multi-tasking is the drive to be more than who we are, to control more than we do, to extend our power and our effectiveness. This practice leads to a divided self, with full attention given to nothing. The prophet Amos speaks to the drive to be more than who we are by speaking out to the children of Israel who weren’t fully taking rest, they were multi-tasking attempting to rest and plan for when they could make a profit at the same time. They’re attention was divided.
Rest from Consumerism - North Oak
August 13, 2023 • Cathy McIntire
The message of consumerism is we should always be producing more and more, and there is nothing wrong with this message. God produced and created everything around us…thankfully God didn’t stop God’s creation on day five, or we wouldn’t be here. The problem for many of us is we struggle to rest from producing. Through the story of the Israelites, God gives us a pattern for producing and resting.