Good Shepherd KC
Good Shepherd KC
Clean Up on Aisle 2025: Times of Loss/Grief
A Turning Point
Providing Shelter, Hope, and Community
The Gift
In ___ We Trust
Whether we realize it or not we all place our trust in something. Sometimes it’s placed in our money, or our career, or a desire for comfort. But what happens when these things fail us and they will fail us. Jesus teaches about placing our trust in him like a builder building on a firm foundation vs
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Moving Forward
Forgiveness is complex. Whether it's forgiving ourselves or others, the path to forgiveness is often blocked by barriers that keep us anchored in the past, unable to fully embrace the freedom it offers. Is it possible to find such freedom in forgiveness, and, to see hope rise where it once felt lost
Do you remember the days when you were a child? When everything seemed new and exciting, and you had a sense of wonder about the world? Kids have a way of approaching the world with openness and curiosity, making friends easily, and bouncing back from disappointment quickly. In this series, we'll ex
United - From Then to Now
United: From then to Now, inspiring us to live out our faith with purpose and impact in today's world.
Through Her Eyes
From the pages of scripture to the lives around us, we encounter stories of unwavering faith, remarkable strength, and profound wisdom. Through her eyes, discover their courage, compassion, and unique reflections of God's creation, demonstrating the powerful impact of faith in our world.
The Ground Work
From ancient times to the present, humans have dug deep and gotten their hands dirty to cultivate sustenance. That same hustle is essential for personal growth. So, what can we learn from nature's teachings, both in the Bible and beyond? In the messiness of life, as we seek change, strive for a fres
Love and Marriage
Even if we aren't currently married, statistics show that by the time we are 70 years old 90% of us will have been married at one point. Many of us aspire to be married, are married or have been married. Yet you don’t have to look any further than the divorce rate to see
Breaking the Mold
Soundtrack of Our Lives
The late Dick Clark coined the phrase, “Music is the soundtrack of our lives.” No matter who you are or where you come from music is a very important part of what it means to be human. We all have some attachment to music and how it speaks to us at different times in our lives. It can touch us deepl
Baggage Check
January 7 - January 28, 2024
Best Christmas Ever!
November 26 - December 17, 2023
Stories of Transformation
The Point
Next Steps
Let Go