

July 23, 2023 • Elder Mike • James 3:1–12, Proverbs 4:4–5, Jeremiah 29:11–14, Matthew 18:15–20

This week we will continue with our sermon series titled "Myth-Guided." Our speaker for this week will be Elder Mike. He'll speak on the importance of how we use our words, and the Word of God.

Words are but one method we use to communicate. They can describe beauty, love, anger, and ideas. They can both lift us up, or drag us down. The Bible is also known as the “Word of God”.  Words can be taken literally or figuratively. However, they can be twisted and taken out of context. Today’s message will hopefully demonstrate the dangers of misquoting God’s Word, and the dangers in failing to guard against incorrect meanings, insinuations, or inference of our words. 

Scripture: James 3:1-12, Proverbs 4:4-5, Jeremiah 29:11-14, Matthew 18:15-20


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