
The Church Is Here To Serve Me

August 13, 2023 • Pastor Paul Vaughan • Acts 1:4–5, Acts 2:1–4, Acts 3:1–8, Acts 4:1–4, Acts 16:16–21

This week we will wrap up our sermon series "Mis-Guided." I want to personally thank all of our Elders and Pastors who stepped in to share God's word with us during this series. I hope that each of you were challenged and blessed as I was from each of their sermons. It is great to know that we are blessed with capable men who are not only able to be leaders within our church, but also able to share and teach God's word. 

This week I will be wrapping up the series with a message that I believe has become prevalent within the church. The title of my message is "The Church Is Here To Serve Me!" The title itself should let you know that this will be a very challenging message. My prayer is that all of those in attendance and online will receive this message with an open heart and understanding of what God desires is for each of us as His followers. 

Scripture: Acts 1:4-5, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 3:1-8, Acts 4:1-4, Acts 16:16-21, Acts 17:6-8


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