
The Spirit Leads

The God I Never Knew

March 3, 2019 • Randy Hageman

The Holy Spirit lives in Christians to lead us to become more and more like Jesus. The Spirit is seeking to transform us to think, act and be like Jesus, and therefore be different (holy) from the world around us, so that loving God, loving our neighbors, and making disciples increasingly become our focus in life. Today, in this concluding message of the series, Acts 8 shows the Spirit leading Philip to live this way.

All Out Serve

March 10, 2019 • Randy Hageman

Today we are Worshiping Together before we head out to Serve Our Community.

The Spirit Convicts

February 24, 2019 • Randy Hageman

The Holy Spirit works in us to help us become more and more like Jesus. But that means that not only does the Spirit empower our transformation, the Spirit must also, at times, show us how we are falling short of God’s plan for our lives – the Spirit convicts or helps us recognize and acknowledge our faults, failings and sins, either directly, or through Scripture, or even through others. And sometimes,as the early Christian Stephen discovered, some don’t like what the Spirit says.

Step by Step You Lead Me

February 17, 2019 • Carson Minish

As we are reading through the book of Acts, we've seen Peter and the other apostles perform many miracles. While many people have praised and turned to God, the Pharisees have not. In fact, their jealousy overcame them and they threw the apostles in prison for questioning. In Acts 5, we will read about this interaction between the Apostles and the Pharisees to learn what obedience to God looks like and to understand what part the Holy Spirit plays in our life today.