
Run The Race

Previous Sermon Series


November 21, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

It all started with Jesus and a few rejects of Judaism who couldn't quite cut it as disciples in the self-righteous, overtly religious world in which they were raised. They had gone back to their fathers' trades, until a new and different Rabbi came along and promised to change their lives for all of eternity. They had many failures and life lessons along the way, had to die to themselves, follow their Lord, and let Him renew their minds and eventually fill them up with the Holy Spirit. It started with them, but has grown into a worldwide movement of billions covering the past, present, and future. That growth happened because people were willing, against all odds and their own personal safety and security, to share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it was with their lips, other times just their courageous living. They willingly risked the lives they were bound to lose anyway in order to MULTIPLY what they had in the lives of as many bearers of God's image as He would allow them to encounter. They did it all by the power and authority of the One who had saved them and sent them. This week at Friendship, we close out our "Run the Race" series with a look at how we too can and must be multipliers of discipleship. It's what we were born again to do!

Approaching The Finish Line

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Does anyone ever start a workout and the just enjoy it so much that by the time it's over, you can't believe it's done already? If that describes you, I desperately need whatever you're having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! For me, and I would assume for a lot of people, I can't wait for the end of the cardio workout and start thinking about it only a few minutes after it begins. The closer it gets to the end, the more motivated I am to press on. This can also be true with other goals or projects in life that take a long time, such as college degrees, training for certifications, home remodeling or painting, landscaping, getting out of debt, and getting through early childhood with your kids. In each of these things, we must reject the desire for immediate gratification and instead look at the bigger picture. The same is true with our Christian faith and the race we run as disciples. There are a lot of pains along the way and the process can be grueling, but the bigger picture tells us it's not forever. This week at Friendship, we talk about "Approaching the Finish Line" in our race. How does knowing the end is coming help us press on and keep striving for Jesus? Join us this weekend for answers and encouragement!

When We Stumble

November 7, 2021 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

Okay, time to be honest: when was the the last time that you STUMBLED? A good friend of mine and I were walking the other day and she stumbled in front of a strip mall because she did not see the small depression built into the walkway for wheel chair access. We chuckled a little, and I thank God that she did not fall! Many of us have tripped or fallen because of something we did not see or something that came out of nowhere. As Christians, we always have things that come up which challenge our faith and potentially cause us to STUMBLE physically and spiritually. In my MTI class on Tuesday, we were studying the Book of James, and lo and behold, the Holy Spirit of God reminded me of what James said in his letter: James 3:2 NKJV For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able to also bridle the whole body. The Holy Spirit through James goes on to tell us that our tongue will make us STUMBLE for sure. It is like a fire and could "burn" someone we are talking to if we are not careful. I recently STUMBLED because of my words and it caused a misunderstanding this week. Thank the Lord I was forgiven! Join us this weekend as we explore what to do WHEN WE STUMBLE and how to continue the race marked out for us!

The Right Equipment

October 31, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

When you are planning a remodeling project, organizing an event, or completing any kind of lengthy task that isn't a walk in the park, what is one of the first things you must do? You have to determine what items you need, and then figure out how to acquire said items. Having the wrong equipment, or not even knowing if you have the wrong equipment, can be beyond frustrating. It holds up the plans for everything else and forces you back to square one. If you've ever needed a Phillips head screwdriver when all you had was a flathead, you know this. If you played sports and could never find a helmet, cleats, or pads that worked for you, you know the struggle. If you went camping and forgot tent stakes or a grill plate for cooking over the fire, you felt the pain of being ill-equipped. The same concept is absolutely true in our Christian discipleship, as we run the race marked out for us. This week at Friendship, we'll discuss what it means to first get rid of the wrong equipment and then suit up with the right stuff, namely the armor of God. Join us for a much needed reminder that we must stand on everything God has given us to battle our enemy the devil.


October 24, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

How do you feel about long road trips by yourself? If you've got nothing but time, are wide awake, and enjoy the scenery, it can be a good thing. But if you have bad weather, you're exhausted, or you just don't enjoy driving, road trips can be overwhelming. You begin your long, arduous journey and you feel like there is no way you'll ever get there. Having been through many long road trips to western PA, Ohio, and back, I have learned the things that generally get me through it. They include, snacks and soda if I'm tired and need caffeine, Christian music, and watching the beautiful scenery. However, without the doubt the best tactic I use to help me shorten the journey in my own head is paying attention to milestones. Knowing how far and how long it generally takes to get to each significant city, state border, or highway on my journey helps me view my task as "completing one leg of the journey at a time". The same is true in our spiritual discipleship journey. It may seem overwhelming and even impossible at times, but we have to break it into "Milestones" which are more easily attained. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about both looking back at milestones to remember what God has done and also looking ahead to milestones that should be our goals as we follow Jesus. Join us for this important message of motivation!

The Second Wind

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

In last week's message, we talked about persevering through hardships, enduring the storms in our lives so that we can continue to run the race that Jesus has given us to run. We even asked you to think of a time that you might have given up on something and looked back wishing you hadn't because you were so close. What about the times you desperately wanted to give up and didn't? What propelled you to finish the race (be it a literal race, a college or graduate degree, a job, forgiving someone, or anything else you knew you had to do but struggled)? Maybe you received an encouraging word at the exact moment you needed it. Maybe it was a "smaller" milestone that you hit on your way to achieving the big thing. Maybe you realized there were others praying for and supporting you and that gave you the extra motivation to press on. Each of these things could be considered a "second wind" of sorts, but they pale in comparison to the real thing that every believer needs, and also realizes. This week at Friendship, we'll continue talking about the race of discipleship that we're all running and look at "The Second Wind" that is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and, quite literally, the BREATH we need to keep going. If you're feeling exhausted and ready to quit, this message is for you!

Enduring The Storm

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

You've probably heard the saying, "Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is". That's nice, but I think it's incomplete. I'd like to add two more lines to it: "Tell God how much bigger than the storm He is, and tell yourself too!" Yeah, I know it doesn't have quite the same ring to it as the other saying, but these two reminders are just as important, if not more so. How often do you remind God that He is bigger than your storm and has it all under control? God certainly doesn't need you to remind Him, but when we do, that's called WORSHIP. It's literally what we do every time we put on worship music or sing corporately in church services. As we praise Him for His greatness, we are also reminding ourselves that He's got this, whatever "this" is in our lives. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about "Enduring the Storm", another absolutely necessary step in running the race of discipleship. Things won't be easy, and storms will come, but God will carry us through them even when we have no idea what we're doing, as long as our hearts are set on seeking Him. If you are in a storm now, have been, or will be at some point in the future (Hint: that includes EVERYBODY), then you definitely don't want to miss this weekend's message!

Staying Hydrated: Jesus Is Our Poweraide

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Isn't it strange how sometimes, the answer for a problem is obvious and right there at our fingertips, yet we still miss it or even intentionally ignore it? For example, studies suggest that a majority of Americans are chronically dehydrated, leading to other significant health problems. Meanwhile, 70% of the earth is covered in, you guessed it, WATER! While people in poor countries are dying due to lack of clean drinking water, we have it everywhere we turn, and we still don't take it. People drink protein shakes, coffee, energy drinks, and even alcohol all for what it does to their bodies, yet the thing they need most is also the thing they often pass up to get to those other items. In the same way, so many Christians are spiritually dehydrated. Jesus is everywhere, we can speak to Him anytime, and He speaks to us through His word and His Holy Spirit. So often, however, we pass right by Jesus in order to get to all the things that only temporarily satisfy our "thirst". Is this landing on you personally? This week at Friendship, we'll talk about the living water we find in Jesus and what it means to "stay hydrated" with Jesus. As we "Run the Race", we cannot do it without the living water continually filling us up. This message is for all of us, and you don't want to miss it!

Strengthen Your Weakness

You all know the words we've been singing since we were children. Even my 3 year old has known the whole song since she was under 2: "Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong". I emboldened that last line because it seems to be the one that we neglect or doubt the most. Sure, we remember that Jesus loves us, that we belong to Him, and that He is strong and mighty. But we forget or disregard the reality of what His strength means for us. The conjunction "but" in the middle of that line is the key. It's not just that we are weak, or that He is strong; it's that His strength DIRECTLY impacts our weaknesses. We get down on ourselves because we are weak or lacking something we need, BUT He is strong. He's the answer EVERY time we feel weak or ill-equipped to do what He has called us to do. In fact, it's precisely because we are weak that His strength becomes known to ourselves and to those around us. This week, both at Friendship's physical location and also at Camp Yolijwa where we gather for our church retreat, we will talk about how we must "Strengthen Our Weakness" by fixing our eyes on Jesus and turning to Him when we are in trouble. Are you feeling weak? Stop trying to strengthen it any other way but in Jesus. Join us for this important and much needed reminder!

Taking The First Step

September 19, 2021 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

OK, quick question: how many of you that were given working legs by our Father remember taking your FIRST STEP? The answer is no one! You were way too young to remember, but you may have witnessed many first steps in your life, and God willing, you'll witness many more! FIRST STEPS can be frightening at times, but they are also blessings because they bring in change, something different, and it's usually something better. Do you remember the first step you took to go to grade school, high school, or college? The first step going on a first date? The first step down the aisle if you were married? The first step in seeing your first child being born? We experience so many firsts that we do not even acknowledge them any more. What if I were to tell you that there is a first step that, when we take it, we can never and will never want to go back? It is such a GREAT STEP that you want to tell everyone about taking it and you cannot stop talking about it! Do you want to hear about it? This step will change lives FOREVER! This week at Friendship, we'll continue in our "Run the Race" series by talking about "Taking the First Step" of following Jesus as His disciples.

Count The Cost

September 12, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

This time of year is certainly one of reflection as we consider the events that took place 20 years ago on September 11, 2001 and the aftermath of those events. What comes to mind when you think about that day? Sadness? Anger? Fear? For me personally, I choose to think about something that gives me hope, and no, I'm not talking about the unity that our country had after the events. As we can clearly see, that unity is long gone. The word that comes to my mind is SACRIFICE. While so many lives were tragically taken that day, I am comforted by how many lives were voluntarily GIVEN. Just as our Lord and Savior's life was not taken from Him but given for us, so the heroes who gave their lives on that day - from the many first-responders to the strangers who banded together to overtake the hijackers on Flight 93 - will be forever remembered and honored by us who owe them. And those who gave their lives in service had to consider, at one point, that they may be called upon to do just that. They had to count the cost and decide if they could pay it. This week at Friendship, we'll continue in our "Run the Race" series by talking about "Counting the Cost" of following Jesus as His disciples. We'll also talk about the cost Jesus paid for us, and how He, like the heroes of Ladder 118 in the photo above, counted it and committed to it long before the moment of crisis came. Have you counted the cost of what Jesus might demand of you as His disciple? If not, we urge you to come and hear this message!

Follow The Leader

September 5, 2021

I want you to think of something right now in your life that you set out to accomplish knowing that you had to give it your all. Maybe it was an achievement in sports, education, music, or your career. Maybe it was running a marathon. If it was something you had never done before, weren't sure you could do, and you didn't even know exactly how to go about accomplishing it, then you probably took the only other step you could take - speak to someone who had done it! That's just the first step. If you're blessed, you might even convince them to mentor you through the process, holding you accountable and correcting you when you develop habits that won't help you achieve your goals. And if your mentor is grounded in truth and cares about your success, they will urge you to immediately get rid of anything that stands in your way. This week at Friendship, we begin a brand new discipleship series called "Run the Race", and we look at what it means to "Follow the Leader". Our leader in this race is Jesus, and we must throw off anything that keeps us from following Him. Join us this weekend to begin this journey and to start getting better every day!