
The Second Wind

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

In last week's message, we talked about persevering through hardships, enduring the storms in our lives so that we can continue to run the race that Jesus has given us to run. We even asked you to think of a time that you might have given up on something and looked back wishing you hadn't because you were so close. What about the times you desperately wanted to give up and didn't? What propelled you to finish the race (be it a literal race, a college or graduate degree, a job, forgiving someone, or anything else you knew you had to do but struggled)? Maybe you received an encouraging word at the exact moment you needed it. Maybe it was a "smaller" milestone that you hit on your way to achieving the big thing. Maybe you realized there were others praying for and supporting you and that gave you the extra motivation to press on. Each of these things could be considered a "second wind" of sorts, but they pale in comparison to the real thing that every believer needs, and also realizes. This week at Friendship, we'll continue talking about the race of discipleship that we're all running and look at "The Second Wind" that is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and, quite literally, the BREATH we need to keep going. If you're feeling exhausted and ready to quit, this message is for you!

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