
When We Stumble

November 7, 2021 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

Okay, time to be honest: when was the the last time that you STUMBLED? A good friend of mine and I were walking the other day and she stumbled in front of a strip mall because she did not see the small depression built into the walkway for wheel chair access. We chuckled a little, and I thank God that she did not fall! Many of us have tripped or fallen because of something we did not see or something that came out of nowhere. As Christians, we always have things that come up which challenge our faith and potentially cause us to STUMBLE physically and spiritually.

In my MTI class on Tuesday, we were studying the Book of James, and lo and behold, the Holy Spirit of God reminded me of what James said in his letter:
James 3:2 NKJV
For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able to also bridle the whole body.

The Holy Spirit through James goes on to tell us that our tongue will make us STUMBLE for sure. It is like a fire and could "burn" someone we are talking to if we are not careful. I recently STUMBLED because of my words and it caused a misunderstanding this week. Thank the Lord I was forgiven! Join us this weekend as we explore what to do WHEN WE STUMBLE and how to continue the race marked out for us!

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