
Jesus Says

Build Wisely

June 11, 2023 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

When is the last time that you have used the phrase in the above picture, or that someone used it on you? As we explore the last message in our series on Jesus' first sermon, called the "Sermon on the Mount", we see that the children of Israel were surely broken, and that's why Our Father had to send Jesus Christ to be both our Lord and Savior. This week's message will be about building your house on the Rock. What does that mean to you? Does it refer to yourself? Are you the house? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and profess that God raised Him from the dead, then you are the new temple. You are where the Holy Spirit lives, and that makes you His house! Or, does the house refer to your physical home where your family lives? Or, does it refer to our relationships where love lives? If you feel that your life, relationships, house, mind, or body are BROKEN, then we invite, no, we pray and encourage you to come out and be blessed by sitting at the feet of Jesus.

Go Against the Flow

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

You have probably heard the quote: "No man is an island". It's actually part of a longer quote by English poet John Donne. In general, it is true, and Scripture backs this up. We are meant to be together and the body of Christ needs each of us, and we need it! But there are times in the world when we will feel like an island, disconnected from the mainland, if we are sold out to following Jesus. A bumper sticker I was given in high school encouraged me and my Christian friends to "Go Against the Flow". In other words, even if the culture around us looks like a sea of fools, we should be the one wise fish. Yes, we will likely receive ridicule, insults, and maybe even personal attacks. But Jesus promised that it would be this way, and He urged us to enter through the small gate and travel the narrow road because it's the only way to life! The masses will travel the road that looks good and popular, but its end is destruction. This week at Friendship, we'll look at those words of Jesus and talk about what it means to stand out as one who goes the opposite way of the pagan culture. We'll also talk briefly about good peer pressure, then how to avoid the worldly peer pressure that creeps into the Church. Join us for a time of worship and this important message!

Live The Golden Rule

May 28, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

When I was a child, I learned about something called "The Golden Rule", and this was before I even knew it was in the Bible. I remember my mother sharing that we should "do unto others as we would have them do unto us". That and a quote of John 3:16 were like the only times I ever heard the adults in my life speak in "King James, which only added to the notion that this must be something special. Of course, a child can't fully understand what this means, and I remember easily confusing it with what was in my head: "Do unto others as they have done unto you". It sounds almost identical, yet it couldn't be more of a contrast to the true Golden Rule spoken by Jesus. Our attitude and goal should be to treat others as we would like to be treated, regardless of how we are actually treated! I can think of no better example in our lives than our fallen men and women who have given their last full measure of devotion so that we can be free and stay free. Many of them, especially going back to the Vietnam War and prior to that, were not treated well by their country and people. Yet, they served anyway, and when called to sacrifice, they demonstrated what Jesus says is the greatest love there is. This Memorial Day weekend at Friendship, we will honor and remember their sacrifice, then discuss what it means for us to "Live the Golden Rule" in how we treat those around us. May we learn from their sacrifice, and from the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, and may we stand ready to lay down our lives in love for those around us.

Shift Your Focus

May 21, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

The Beatles once sang that money "can't buy me love". When I was a young man, there was a rap song by The Notorious B.I.G. and his friends simply titled, "Mo Money, Mo Problems". And the great Dolly Parton sang that even "working 9 to 5" resulted in "barely getting by". Even our pagan culture knows there is so much more to life than material wealth, yet it still consumes much of our thoughts and our time. Especially in western civilization, we have convinced ourselves that we can follow our Lord and live obediently to Him while still being in love with our bank accounts. Yet, His word tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Contentment with what we have and generosity toward the needs of others are clear marks of the Christian faith. Our Lord Himself warns us about storing up for ourselves treasures on earth, where lots of things can happen to destroy them. Even if we are fortunate enough to keep them for this lifetime, we cannot take any of it with us. Instead, He commands us to store up treasures in heaven, which has the best security there is. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about these words of Jesus and how He wants you to "Shift Your Focus" away from this life and toward eternity. More contentment equals less worry. And why would we find such value in something like gold that is used to paved roads in heaven? Join us and get ready to change your outlook regarding all your "stuff".

It's An Audience of One

May 14, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever gone from getting cheered to getting jeered in one day? Those who follow the ways of the world are drunk on the ideas of fame and popularity, which the devil uses to trick them into thinking they will be fulfilled. Yet, most people who are famous and popular would tell you it's not all it's cracked up to be. They long for the opportunity to escape into privacy where they can be themselves and not worry about their image before others. But think about how quickly those who are celebrated get booed in our society. Lebron James has off-nights. Tom Brady got laughed at for some of his boneheaded plays in Super Bowls. Right now, country star Morgan Wallen is having to cancel planned shows due to a vocal chord issue, and his "fans" are losing their minds. And what about politics? Has any U.S. president ever left office with a higher approval rating than when he entered it? Even when people love you, it doesn't take much to swing them to the other side. That's why Jesus teaches us to only seek the applause of the Father, who is unchanging. This week at Friendship, we will look at Jesus' teachings regarding giving, prayer and fasting, and how they demonstrate that "It's an Audience of One". As we grow closer to God through spiritual disciplines, it matters more what He desires than what human beings around us think. Join us as we are re-centered in Christ regarding these good disciplines that we have often twisted.

Correction (Part 2)

May 7, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

Several years ago, during the heightened stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a very popular megachurch preacher who put a video out telling all of us that if we refuse to shut down our church worship services, we are not loving people the way Jesus wants. In other words, in his opinion, holding worship services for the family of God during that time was sinful. This is a pastor of a church of almost 40,000 weekly, a pastor who has written many books and taught at many seminars. Because of his name and popularity, his sphere of influence is very large. When a matter of opinion that is outside of the truth, is then taught as truth by popular and well-respected leaders, many people are deceived until their thinking is corrected. This was the case during the time of Jesus as He taught in the Sermon on the Mount. The Pharisees and scribes of His day took actual laws from the Old Testament, added their own spin or opinion, and then taught it as if it were directly from God. Because they were educated and respected, many Jews were led astray. This week at Friendship, we'll continue the JESUS SAYS series by looking at the "Correction" He brings to the misunderstandings regarding divorce, oaths, eye for an eye retribution, and love for our enemies. Each of these topics were covered in the Law, but each was twisted by the Pharisees and taught to the masses. Since these topics still impact us today, we hope you'll join us to hear what Jesus says and how it impacts our journey!

Correction! (Part 1)

April 30, 2023 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

"What did you say?" "I thought you told me to do that!" How often is communication the reason we do not get to where we want to go or do the things we want to do? Words matter and are extremely important. When it comes to directions, are you good at receiving instructions for going to a new place, or does that frustrate you? Are you good at giving instructions? Jesus taught a lesson to the crowds and disciples about interpreting directions and giving instructions. He taught mainly about how to get where we should all be going and what we all should be doing. We invite you to come out and spend time with Jesus this weekend and learn how to get and give direction, and bring a friend or two with you that could use direction. Be a part of the Sermon on the Mount!  

I'm the Law

April 23, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

Can you think of a time in your life when you knew you were breaking a rule, yet you were absolutely certain that you were justified in doing so, and that whoever was in charge would agree with you? How'd that work for you? Did the teacher buy your "the dog ate my homework" excuse? Did your parents let you off the hook with chores because you said you were feeling nauseous? Did they let you slide on your curfew violation because you got lost coming home? Did the police officer consider that 15 mph over the speed limit was just "going with the flow of traffic" in your eyes? Unless you were under the authority of those who are either extremely gullible or gracious, you probably answer these questions with a lot of NOs. When we decide that our interpretation and application of the laws is what we will live by, it only works if the lawgiver sees it the exact same way. Otherwise, we're in trouble. This week at Friendship, we'll take a look at Jesus' relationship to the Law and the Prophets, which He came to fulfill and not destroy. The title is "I'm the Law" in our JESUS SAYS series. If we view the Law through Jesus, what does that mean regarding obedience and righteousness? Join us this week and find out!  

You're Blessed

April 16, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

In many areas of life, expectations make a huge difference. Your perspective on whether a movie or restaurant is any good is skewed by what you've heard about it from others and what you expected. When your tax return refund is far less than you expected, it's hard to be grateful for what you receive. In professional sports, almost everything is about expectation. As a Pittsburgh Pirates fan, I'm thrilled when they sniff a winning record and ecstatic when they make the playoffs, since they've been awful for so long. As a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I'm irritated when they aren't competing for the Super Bowl, since they've been so good for so long. Expectations often cause us to take blessings for granted and to complain at the slightest discomfort. Somehow, this has happened on a widespread scale in the western Church. Life has been so comfortable that we aren't even thankful for the blessings, and it's a crisis anytime we face hardship. This week at Friendship, we're beginning our new series called "Jesus Says", which is based on His teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. And this week, we will cover what Jesus has in mind when He tells us, "You're Blessed". It's not about our circumstances; Jesus has in mind a happiness that goes far beyond those. Join us to hear about what it means to be truly blessed as one who bears the name of our Lord!