
Build Wisely

June 11, 2023 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

When is the last time that you have used the phrase in the above picture, or that someone used it on you? As we explore the last message in our series on Jesus' first sermon, called the "Sermon on the Mount", we see that the children of Israel were surely broken, and that's why Our Father had to send Jesus Christ to be both our Lord and Savior. This week's message will be about building your house on the Rock. What does that mean to you? Does it refer to yourself? Are you the house? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and profess that God raised Him from the dead, then you are the new temple. You are where the Holy Spirit lives, and that makes you His house! Or, does the house refer to your physical home where your family lives? Or, does it refer to our relationships where love lives? If you feel that your life, relationships, house, mind, or body are BROKEN, then we invite, no, we pray and encourage you to come out and be blessed by sitting at the feet of Jesus.

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