
Go Against the Flow

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

You have probably heard the quote: "No man is an island". It's actually part of a longer quote by English poet John Donne. In general, it is true, and Scripture backs this up. We are meant to be together and the body of Christ needs each of us, and we need it! But there are times in the world when we will feel like an island, disconnected from the mainland, if we are sold out to following Jesus. A bumper sticker I was given in high school encouraged me and my Christian friends to "Go Against the Flow". In other words, even if the culture around us looks like a sea of fools, we should be the one wise fish. Yes, we will likely receive ridicule, insults, and maybe even personal attacks. But Jesus promised that it would be this way, and He urged us to enter through the small gate and travel the narrow road because it's the only way to life! The masses will travel the road that looks good and popular, but its end is destruction. This week at Friendship, we'll look at those words of Jesus and talk about what it means to stand out as one who goes the opposite way of the pagan culture. We'll also talk briefly about good peer pressure, then how to avoid the worldly peer pressure that creeps into the Church. Join us for a time of worship and this important message!

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