
Turning Seas into Highways

May 22, 2022 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

Are you currently in a storm of life physically, mentally, or spiritually? Are you just keeping your head above the water line, or are you under the water? The disciples found themselves in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, and during that storm they witnessed someone walking towards them on the water. In Matthew 14:27, Peter then called out to the figure and said, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Have we called out to Jesus to rescue us from our storm? Are we keeping our eyes on Jesus and the kingdom? I know there are some in our congregation and across the world that are struggling with the storm of their past addictions. Their ONLY answer to keep them from succumbing again is to turn to Jesus and let him into their hearts and their lives.
Which is harder, swimming or drowning when we only focus on worldly desires? It requires much more energy to swim and stay alive. When the Apostle Paul says he finds joy in his suffering and weaknesses, that means it's OK to be in pain sometimes. Do we find our joy in being a child of God, and a brother, sister, or mother to Christ!
If you are struggling or know someone that is, then we invite you and your friends and family to worship with us this week at Friendship, as we dig into how God is revealed through "Turning Seas into Highways", just as He did for His children in 1446 BC when He rescued Israel from the whip of Egypt.

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