

Declaration By Faith

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

There is an old country music song by Aaron Tippin that says, "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything". What does it mean to stand firm in your faith? We have a great historical example of it that we will commemorate this Monday that took place 246 years ago that day. In the face of religious persecution and blatant tyranny, the founding fathers of the United States of America stood firm in developing and signing our Declaration of Independence, knowing full well the sacrifice that was required to not only make us free, but keep us free beyond that day. They were willing to pay it because they believed in our Almighty God and trusted that He alone was the Author of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As believers, we must stand firm on that same truth, and declare that our trust is in Him no matter what! This week at Friendship, we'll talk more about our "Declaration by Faith" as we wrap up the Revealed series. We'll talk about our founding patriots, but also look at the story of "Rack, Shack, & Benny", who made their own declaration by faith in the face of a tyrant king, then watched as God miraculously delivered them. Join us for some motivation to abandon your fears and submit to the One who created you!

In The Hard Truth

June 26, 2022 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

The "Hard Truth", or the "truth of the matter", is something we have said or heard many times in our lives. So the question we are exploring this weekend is, how is God Revealed in the Hard Truth? What is TRUTH? Where do we get our understanding of truth as followers of Christ? Once we find truth and understand it, what do we do with it? Do we acknowledge it? Accept it? Do it? Teach it? Love it? How many opportunities have we had to do the right thing but still end up doing the wrong thing? How many times have we been taught that something is right when it is actually wrong, according to God's word? If you are struggling to hear the Truth from God or to do the right thing, join us to discover what God thinks of you and explore how you too can see God revealed in the hard truth and in what you do with it.

Who You Say I Am

June 19, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

This weekend is Father's Day (heads up, ladies, if you forgot). For some of you, this day is not something to which you are looking forward. You had a biological father who you either miss because he's no longer on this earth, or because he was never in your life in the first place. For some, you may even have a biological father who caused you great pain, and you're still finding it hard to forgive. No matter who you are, your biological father was a sinful human being who was raised by sinful human beings, which means he had wounds which in turn wounded you. This is true even if your father brings nothing but positive thoughts to your mind! Some of those wounds are deep, and they affect you in ways you can't even always recognize. While your earthly father brought pain even when he loved you, your heavenly Father is without sin. He loves you unconditionally, offers you the chance to be His child, and will never abandon you. This week at Friendship, we'll focus on understanding your identity based on who GOD says you are. We'll look at the Old Testament story of Gideon, who was called "strong" when he was weak, and who turned to his Father when others turned to idols. Join us to discover what God thinks of you and how you too can break free from your idolatry.

Fully Reliant on God

June 12, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

As we look around at what has been going on in our country and world over the past couple years, it's easy to find someone to blame and then demand that something be DONE about the problem. The pandemic caused many to instantly fuss about our elected officials at both the federal and state levels. People were glued to their TVs and computers to hear the latest numbers as a judgment against the officials. The crushing war in Ukraine makes us wonder what should be done. And tragic shootings have led to press conferences that push for new laws. Whatever the situation, human beings have a desperate desire to regain control once it's lost, to blame some person or policy for every issue, and to give at least the appearance that we have a "plan". But what if I told you that God will put you in some circumstances where no plan of yours can rescue you? Would you still say "we have to do something"? This week at Friendship, we'll consider what it's like when our only hope is to be "Fully Reliant on God". We'll talk about the story of King Jehoshaphat, who resolved to seek the Lord and wait on Him even when it seemed like it was up to him to decide what to do. Don't miss this important message as we will continue to face uncertainty in this world!

Victorious Underdogs

June 5, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

Author Jenny Han once wrote, "Victory is a thousand times sweeter when you're the underdog". We all know she's right, even for those who are merely witnessing the event. Who doesn't love a good underdog story? Some of you will never forget watching the "Miracle on Ice" take place right on your old TV screen. In my lifetime, the biggest upset was probably Buster Douglas knocking out "Iron" Mike Tyson. There have been countless great upsets during March Madness, and there's always the shocker of the Philadelphia Eagles finally lucking their way into a Super Bowl title a few years ago. In just about every upset, the common denominator is that the favorite didn't take the underdog seriously. The coaches will always tell you they did, but sometimes the performance shows that they thought it'd be a walk in the park and got stunned by the fighting spirit of the underdog. The greatest underdog story in the Old Testament comes from one of our heroes of the faith, David. He took down the giant Goliath with just a sling and a single stone, but his far more difficult battles actually came before that moment. This week at Friendship, we'll dig into this story to see how God is revealed through "Victorious Underdogs". The enemy Satan did everything he could to make David quit with discouragement and lies, and he'll do the same with us. But we must overcome him by the power of the Lord and with our trust and focus on Him. Join us this weekend to face your giants of fear and doubt head on so you can experience the victory of the Lord!

Living Memorial

May 29, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

As we spend this weekend celebrating and considering the precious freedom we have that was paid for by the blood of those heroes who were willing to lay down their lives for us, may we never forget them, and may we never forget our Lord Jesus, who has given the chance of eternal freedom to all men and women from every tribe and tongue. He was the ultimate atoning sacrifice for us. Paul describes our state of utter wickedness and hopelessness in the Book of Romans before describing how Jesus has fully justified us by His death and resurrection. Then, as he states that God's mercy shown in Christ's sacrifice is still in our view, the apostle urges all believers to "offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (12:1). In other words, Jesus has already taken care of the penalty for our sins and we no longer must shed animal blood or present dead sacrifices to satisfy God. Instead, we must offer ourselves - everything we are and everything we have, including our very lives if compelled - to God to be used for His glory. This week at Friendship, we'll dig into what it means to be a "Living Memorial" to God, then take a look at the story of one who was just that. I'm talking about Esther. If you've ever wondered if God would make a way through your difficult circumstances, know that He may be waiting for you to offer up everything you have, and then you can watch Him work! Join us for this encouraging and challenging message.

Turning Seas into Highways

May 22, 2022 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

Are you currently in a storm of life physically, mentally, or spiritually? Are you just keeping your head above the water line, or are you under the water? The disciples found themselves in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, and during that storm they witnessed someone walking towards them on the water. In Matthew 14:27, Peter then called out to the figure and said, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Have we called out to Jesus to rescue us from our storm? Are we keeping our eyes on Jesus and the kingdom? I know there are some in our congregation and across the world that are struggling with the storm of their past addictions. Their ONLY answer to keep them from succumbing again is to turn to Jesus and let him into their hearts and their lives. Which is harder, swimming or drowning when we only focus on worldly desires? It requires much more energy to swim and stay alive. When the Apostle Paul says he finds joy in his suffering and weaknesses, that means it's OK to be in pain sometimes. Do we find our joy in being a child of God, and a brother, sister, or mother to Christ! If you are struggling or know someone that is, then we invite you and your friends and family to worship with us this week at Friendship, as we dig into how God is revealed through "Turning Seas into Highways", just as He did for His children in 1446 BC when He rescued Israel from the whip of Egypt.

The Only Begotten

May 15, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

What's the most cherished thing in your life that you've ever had to give up? The pain and loss were probably excruciating for you. We live in a world that talks the talk of generosity, but largely focuses on keeping what you love the most. Commercials and other advertisements tell you how to keep your money, your freedom, and your romance. Parents inadvertently cripple their children's futures by holding on too tight in an effort to keep them safe and secure. Many would call this wise and loving, but God has a different outlook. His love for us was so great that He gave up the most cherished gift there ever was. This week at Friendship, we'll see how God is revealed through the offering up of "The Only Begotten" Son. We'll also peek at the Old Testament example of Abraham and Isaac, who were willing to give up the promise they cherished most in obedience to the Promiser. When the One who makes the promises is always first in our lives, even that which we most value must be submitted to Him. Join us for this great reminder of His great love!

In Deep Anguish

May 8, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

As you think about your heart and mind, what do you desire more than anything else? If the answer is anything other than the Lord, ask yourself if that thing will actually fill the void that's in your life completely. We all have things that we think we need in order to find joy in this life, and many of those things are even godly in nature. But there may be a reason why He hasn't blessed you with that which you desire yet. How desperate do you have to be to seek His plan for you? If He gives you what you want, will you offer to Him for His service? Consider these things while you wait, even if the waiting has brought you deep anguish. There is a purpose for it that you may not see now, but trusting in Him and seeking His will is the only way you'll ever see it. This week at Friendship, we honor all women for Mother's Day, then look at the story of a woman who found strength in surrendering to the Lord when she was weak, who experienced "Deep Anguish" but took it to the only One who could help her. We look forward to sharing this message and inviting you to pray and surrender as Hannah did by faith.

The Best Reward

May 1, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

How many times have you given up on a diet or workout routine because it seemed like a lot of work for zero to minimal results? Similarly, how many times have you paid the price, financially or morally, later because of decisions you made in the moment that we based on what your eyes desired? Maybe you bought a new car, house, or credit card because the sellers convinced you that you could afford it on a monthly basis, but you're drowning in debt because of interest. Maybe you made some immoral choices that felt right in the moment but led you down a path of addiction that has cost you almost everything you hold dear. Every human being faces the battle between flesh and spirit, between immediate and delayed gratification. For believers, we know that delayed gratification isn't just better, it's the BEST, especially if we delay it all the way until we meet our Maker. No matter how much fun, joy, and pleasure we can experience here on earth, it will pale in comparison to the joy of heaven. This week at Friendship, we'll look into the faith it takes to choose temporary pain and suffering in order to experience a lasting gain that comes with "The Best Reward". We'll spend a lot of time on the faith of Moses, who made that choice. Join us to keep your eye on the eternal prize!

Faith Legacy

April 24, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

Aside from yourself, who is most responsible for the person you are today? Most believers would probably say that Jesus is their answer, but is that really true for you? Jesus sacrificed His life for all of us and His love covers a great multitude of sins, but we can be honest and admit that we mostly still walk in our wounded nature and submitting to our new identity in Christ is a daily choice that we sometimes make and sometimes don't. The reality is that our parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, mentors, and anyone else tasked with training us up are the ones most responsible for who we are today aside from ourselves. Those individuals who God put in our paths left a legacy for us, whether it was positive, negative, or a mixture of the two. Once we are of age, it is our responsibility to consider the legacy left for us and what we want to continue versus what we need to get rid of. In the same way, we must consider the legacy we are leaving for those who will come after us. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about how God reveals Himself through our "Faith Legacy", and we'll examine the Old Testament story of Joseph, who learned obedience and integrity through all that was done to him, then left a faithful legacy for all the people of Israel to follow. Join us and consider how your own faith legacy is being built by trials and perseverance!

Resurrecting Power

April 17, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

What does it take to get you to believe that something you hope for is possible when you are beyond convinced that it isn't? You can read all about what it would be like if the thing happens, you can surround yourself with those who encourage you to keep the faith, and you can even strategize with a team on how to potentially make the thing happen. But chances are, the only way you can go from a strong unbelief to a strong realization that it's possible is by watching someone else do it. As a child, I didn't believe I could get over my fear of heights to even ride roller-coasters. But when I watched other people overcoming it with their "roller-coaster riding power", I eventually concluded that I could too. The same was true when I went skydiving in 2005. Only watching others do it gave me the confidence that I could. In the same way, God resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead, not just for Jesus' sake, but so that WE could know that His "Resurrecting Power" is available to us as well. This week at Friendship, as we celebrate Easter and our Lord's resurrection, we'll take a look at what it means for us and the hope we can have. If you've been struggling to move forward from a difficult loss, living in a dying or dead marriage, battling addiction, or fearing death, we believe that God wants you to hear this message and be changed!

Triumphant Humility

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

In our fallen world, we are constantly exposed to the struggle for power, praise, and popularity. Celebrities and social media legends will do and say almost anything in order to get followers and "likes". Even politicians all the way up to the presidency now focus more on whatever will get good ratings and help them in the polls than that which has given them strong conviction. Professional athletes are far beyond worrying about making "enough" money; now their goal is to be labeled the highest paid because of the status that comes with it. While we can legitimately point fingers at all of these people, it would benefit us to consider that the church of Jesus Christ, at times, doesn't look much different than what I've described above. Pastors focus on being liked more than being honest and truthful. Leadership councils worry more about money and attendance than spiritual growth. Parishioners leave when they don't get their way. Each of these is in direct contrast with the character and attitude of the Savior we say we follow, One who did His best to avoid popularity and demonstrated humility above worldly power and status. This week at Friendship, we'll learn about how God reveals Himself through "Triumphant Humility", and we'll specifically study the entrance of Jesus on Palm Sunday in the Gospels. Finally, we'll learn how to fight our battles not with the weapons of the world, but with weapons that have DIVINE power. Join us and get motivated in the Lord!

Suffering & Perseverance

April 3, 2022 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

When you hear the words "suffering and perseverance", what comes to mind? Are they comforting thoughts? Joyous thoughts? If you are a follower and disciple of Christ, then you know that suffering and perseverance are part of our journey. We find comfort and joy in our suffering. We may feel like we are prisoners of the physical or mental pain, but maybe we are being tested to see how strong our faith is. Maybe the Father is waiting for us to depend solely on Him and not ourselves. When we pray to the Father through Jesus, could the prison door be opened? Maybe it was never closed. Maybe it was because of OUR CHOICES that we put ourselves in that prison and brought that suffering on ourselves. How do we step through the prison cell doors? How do we persevere and find strength to endure? Join us this weekend and be inspired to experience God's power anew in your life through faith and obedience!


March 27, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever witnessed a miracle? How did you respond? Was there joy and amazement or intense skepticism? I've had two separate incidents in my life where I was in bad weather and completely lost control of my vehicle on the highway in the vicinity of other vehicles, including tractor-trailers, and I walked away without a scratch on my body and with minimal damage to my car each time. There is probably some scientific explanation for each, but isn't the true miracle the fact that there is a God who created us and watches over our comings and goings? Isn't it a profound mystery that He is paying attention to what's ahead of us even when we are not? Albert Einstein said, "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle". Since our very breaths are dependent on God's design, His creation, and His permission, I'm probably closer to believing everything is a miracle than nothing is. Do we recognize God's miraculous power? This week at Friendship, we'll talk about God's power and how it was revealed through the ministry of Jesus and His miracles, and then what it means for us as the Church. Join us this weekend and be inspired to experience God's power anew in your life through faith and obedience!