
Declaration By Faith

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

There is an old country music song by Aaron Tippin that says, "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything". What does it mean to stand firm in your faith? We have a great historical example of it that we will commemorate this Monday that took place 246 years ago that day. In the face of religious persecution and blatant tyranny, the founding fathers of the United States of America stood firm in developing and signing our Declaration of Independence, knowing full well the sacrifice that was required to not only make us free, but keep us free beyond that day. They were willing to pay it because they believed in our Almighty God and trusted that He alone was the Author of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As believers, we must stand firm on that same truth, and declare that our trust is in Him no matter what! This week at Friendship, we'll talk more about our "Declaration by Faith" as we wrap up the Revealed series. We'll talk about our founding patriots, but also look at the story of "Rack, Shack, & Benny", who made their own declaration by faith in the face of a tyrant king, then watched as God miraculously delivered them. Join us for some motivation to abandon your fears and submit to the One who created you!

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