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False Churches & Cults

Mike Davies, Michael d'Offay, Shaun Brauteseth

An in-depth conversation that demystifies false churches - or cults, as many refer to them today. The men talk about the Biblical traits of the true Church, and how we can recognise false churches in considering this. The example set to us by the leaders of the New Testament Church show us how we can and should build healthy church according to the Bible. We look at the measure of the Word in this matter, as opposed to the biased opinions of the world. 

Leading a Spirit-Led Meeting

May 22, 2023 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth, Mike Davies

Presented by Adam Hellyer, Mike Davies & Shaun Brautseth Creating Space for God to Move During this session, we unpack how to effectively lead a corporate meeting while following the Holy Spirit, as well as how to lead saints and worship teams, all the while understanding the importance of posturing our hearts before the Lord and shifting gear to where He is ultimately leading.

Can a Christian Have a Demon?

April 13, 2023 • Mike Davies, Russell Fraser, Luke Hulley

Presented by Mike Davies, Luke Hulley and Russell Fraser Discussing the spiritual realm doesn’t need to be a scary thing - it's important for believers to know that, as sons and daughters of Christ, we have authority over these powers at play. During this session, we dive into whether or not a Christian can be demonised, or controlled by a demon, and how to receive breakthrough in this area.

Speaking in Tongues

March 9, 2023 • Shaun Brauteseth, Adam Hellyer, Mike Davies

Presented by Adam Hellyer Mike Davies, and Shaun Brauteseth What is the difference between speaking in tongues and bringing a tongue? And is there something wrong with me if I can't yet speak in tongues? Adam, Shaun and Mike discuss this widely debated subject, aiming to bring clarity and peace of mind to those seeking answers on this particular spiritual gift.

Repenting for Others

September 1, 2022 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth Can We Repent for the Sins of Those Who Came Before Us? Today people are not only instructed to acknowledge the sins of those who came before them, but also to repent on their behalf publicly. Is it possible to repent of the actions of your forefathers or countrymen, or is it simply a pointless and endless exercise? What is the difference between recognising the past and apologising for it? Adam Hellyer and Shaun Brauteseth explore these questions and more in the latest session of #BeEquipped.

Church Clicks

September 1, 2022 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth The Rise of Online Church. Should we view the rise of the online church as a good thing, because many more people can be reached than before, or should we reject it as illegitimate? Going online can be a helpful answer during a time of physical limitation, but is it a long-term solution that will produce healthy New Testament churches? Adam Hellyer and Shaun Brauteseth explore these questions and more in the latest session of #BeEquipped.

The Songs We Sing

May 9, 2022 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth How Do We Choose Songs For Church? When singing worship songs together in church meetings, we must properly assess the focus, content and theology of what is being said about God and what is being said about us. But should we even sing songs that come from churches or groups that we have doctrinal differences with, and at what point do we avoid them altogether? Adam Hellyer and Shaun Brauteseth explore these questions and more in the latest session of #BeEquipped.

Is it a Sin Not to Tithe?

May 9, 2022 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth What Does the Bible Say About Tithing? Some say that we must tithe or we will be punished, while others say it was commanded under the Law of Moses and is no longer required. But what does the Bible say? What should our motivation to tithe be, and where should we find our guidance about whether we do it or not? In this latest session of #BeEquipped, Adam and Shaun unpack tithing, its relevance today and the role of faith as we tithe.

Figuring Out the Festivals

April 14, 2022 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth What Festivals Do Christians Celebrate? Easter, Christmas, Lent and Halloween are calendar observances that both Christians and non-Christians celebrate. There is, however, disagreement about the problems presented by each of their histories, practices and associations. Which ones can we agree to disagree about, and where do we have the freedom to allow one another to follow our consciences? Adam Hellyer and Shaun Brauteseth explore these questions and more in the latest session of #BeEquipped.

Sexual Sin in the Church

September 2, 2021 • Ryan Kingsley, Luke Hulley

Presented by Ryan Kingsley & Luke Hulley 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ Matthew 5:8 (NIV) Sexual Sin: Satan's Silent Strategy As believers, we are aware that sexual sin is a compromise and Biblically should not be tolerated, yet, it seems particularly difficult to bring this area into the light and for believers to walk in freedom. In this session, Ryan Kingsley and Luke Hulley take a closer look at the issue of sexual sin in the church. In particular, they discuss why tolerating sexual sin is satan’s silent strategy to disarm the church and the vital importance of accountability, confession and repentance in walking people into freedom. They remind us of the loving discipline of the Father, whose heart is to redeem and restore those He loves.

Obedient Disobedience

July 27, 2021 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth • Romans 3:1

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Romans 13:1 (NIV) When Laws Contradict the Word The Bible tells us to submit to governing authorities and obey them. But at a certain point, when laws are at odds with the commands of God, we must decide whether to obey Him or the rulers of our nation. The people of God are called to live in peace and not rebellion, yet there would seem to be clear examples in Scripture where God’s people decided to follow their consciences. When exactly have we reached that point?

Diversity in Leaders

May 25, 2021 • Shaun Brauteseth, Luke Hulley

Presented by Shaun Brauteseth & Luke Hulley ‘But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." ’ 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV) Diversity in Church Leadership One of the main priorities of our generation is diversity, inclusivity and equal representation in business, media, sport and entertainment. In this latest session, Shaun Brauteseth and Luke Hulley look at diversity in church leadership. They discuss how church leadership structures work and whether the church should build the same way as others do to keep up with the world around them. Ultimately, they remind us that the church is God’s people; it is His Kingdom, and, as Lord and King, we need to keep in step with His Spirit and do things His way.

When Elders Clash

May 18, 2021 • Luke Hulley, Ryan Kingsley

Presented by Luke Hulley & Ryan Kingsley “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” https://biblia.com/bible/niv/john%2017.21 Guarding Unity within Eldership Teams Serving on a church leadership team is not without its struggles. So many different ideas, views and personalities come into play. In this session, Ryan Kingsley and Luke Hulley take a closer look at the issue of guarding the unity in eldership teams. In particular, they discuss why unity is worth fighting for, what healthy eldership teams look like, the role of lead elders and how to bring your perspective with humility. Ryan and Luke close by reminding us that is it really about Jesus, seeking His will, His presence and building on His Word.

Don't Judge Me

April 6, 2021 • Ryan Kingsley, Shaun Brauteseth

Presented by Ryan Kingsley & Shaun Brauteseth But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.’ Hebrews 3:13 (NIV) Christian Accountability “Accountability” is one word the world despises, and even the church seems to have grown to oppose it, mainly because it is misunderstood or we have grown overfamiliar with the term, forgetting the power of living it out. In this latest clip in the #BeEquipped series, Ryan Kingsley and Shaun Brauteseth unpack the concept of “accountability” – what it is, why we need it, and where it is seen in the Bible. They take a closer look at the biggest reasons people oppose accountability and discuss why it’s not others meddling in your life. Instead, they position accountability as an opportunity to truly live like Jesus. Ryan and Shaun close by calling us to be bold, live in the light and give an account today so we can stand firm to the end.

Q&A on the Prophetic

March 18, 2021 • Shaun Brauteseth, Andrew Selley, Mervis van der Merwe

Presented by Shaun Brauteseth, Andrew Selley & Mervis van der Merwe The Role of the Prophetic in the Modern Church. As an apostolic and prophetic movement, we have high regard for the gift of prophecy. With this in mind, we believe that the prophetic is for today, is valuable and necessary for the modern church, and should not be avoided but used correctly. Andrew Selley addresses the issue of prophecy, the role of the prophetic and how God has been disciplining His people through the prophetic in the video, "False Prophecies & Trump, What Now?" As a follow-up to this video, Shaun Brauteseth, Andrew Selley, and Mervis van der Merwe address some questions around the topic of the prophetic and its application in the church. They take a look at what prophecy is, the distinction between someone prophetically gifted and a prophet, practicalities around how to give, receive and deliver a prophecy, and what makes a false prophet.