
Sexual Sin in the Church

#BeEquipped Series

September 2, 2021 • Ryan Kingsley, Luke Hulley

Presented by Ryan Kingsley & Luke Hulley

'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ Matthew 5:8 (NIV)

Sexual Sin: Satan's Silent Strategy

As believers, we are aware that sexual sin is a compromise and Biblically should not be tolerated, yet, it seems particularly difficult to bring this area into the light and for believers to walk in freedom. In this session, Ryan Kingsley and Luke Hulley take a closer look at the issue of sexual sin in the church. In particular, they discuss why tolerating sexual sin is satan’s silent strategy to disarm the church and the vital importance of accountability, confession and repentance in walking people into freedom. They remind us of the loving discipline of the Father, whose heart is to redeem and restore those He loves.

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