
Obedient Disobedience

#BeEquipped Series

July 27, 2021 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth • Romans 3:1

Presented by Adam Hellyer & Shaun Brauteseth

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Romans 13:1 (NIV)

When Laws Contradict the Word

The Bible tells us to submit to governing authorities and obey them. But at a certain point, when laws are at odds with the commands of God, we must decide whether to obey Him or the rulers of our nation. The people of God are called to live in peace and not rebellion, yet there would seem to be clear examples in Scripture where God’s people decided to follow their consciences. When exactly have we reached that point?

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Leading a Spirit-Led Meeting

May 22, 2023 • Adam Hellyer, Shaun Brauteseth, Mike Davies

Presented by Adam Hellyer, Mike Davies & Shaun Brautseth Creating Space for God to Move During this session, we unpack how to effectively lead a corporate meeting while following the Holy Spirit, as well as how to lead saints and worship teams, all the while understanding the importance of posturing our hearts before the Lord and shifting gear to where He is ultimately leading.

Can a Christian Have a Demon?

April 13, 2023 • Mike Davies, Russell Fraser, Luke Hulley

Presented by Mike Davies, Luke Hulley and Russell Fraser Discussing the spiritual realm doesn’t need to be a scary thing - it's important for believers to know that, as sons and daughters of Christ, we have authority over these powers at play. During this session, we dive into whether or not a Christian can be demonised, or controlled by a demon, and how to receive breakthrough in this area.