

The Sticky Gospel of Jesus Christ -- Create an enduring faith in a changing world

"Sticky Faith - Legacy" Sunday Worship Service

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • 2 Timothy 1:3–8

This Sunday we wrap up our Sticky Faith sermon series and consider the importance of Sticky-Faith Legacy. Everyone wants to be remembered for something. There is something hardwired into our souls that longs for a life of meaning and significance. However, our time on earth is short, especially when compared to our promised eternity. So, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? Often, people will ask, “How do I want to be remembered?” But perhaps a more fitting question is, “How will my life on earth bring glory to God for all eternity?” The answer to that question points in one direction: Our purpose is to make disciple-makers. Disciple- making is at the heart of the Christian Mission. A mission and purpose established by Christ Jesus and entrusted to His church until he returns. The hard truth we must face as human beings is that nothing material we create will endure, only that which is destined for eternity will be welcomed into eternity. So, what is your legacy? And will it follow you into eternity? Primary text: 2 Timothy 1:3-8.

" Sticky Handoffs" Sunday Worship Service

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus

Relay events in sports are fascinating to watch and exhilarating to participate in. It seems the perfect combination of individual achievement and team reliance. In many ways, the passing of the proverbial baton, and the race set before each athlete is a wonderful depiction of the church. At any moment in time, Christians are participating in God’s kingdom work as part of a grand relay team. From generation to generation, the great commission has been passed on and entrusted to Jesus’ Disciples. And what is our objective? To go and make disciples. We are commanded to live faithfully in Jesus and nurture faith in the next generation. Sticky Faith is encouraged as people step into God’s Kingdom unfolding around them and humbly serve in ways that bring God glory. Because the world is always changing around us, the methods we use (in pursuit of God’s mission) also change. However, the message of God’s salvation in Christ Jesus NEVER changes. "Sticky Handoffs" are critical for each generation to experience God’s missional call and live in faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit. This week, we will explore the necessary (yet too often overlooked) practice of handing off the Christian faith to the next generation.

Sunday Worship Service "Sticky Justice"

October 15, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Daniel 9:4–19

This week, we continue to explore ways to develop a sticky faith in your own life while nurturing this kind of faith in others. Intentional conversations and relationships (where people feel safe, seen, soothed, and supported in their faith formation), help to build one another up in faith. However, at some point, we must put our faith into action outside the walls of our institutional religion and familiar relationships; we must follow our LORD into places which seem dark and spiritually oppressive. Jesus claimed to be God’s light in our world. He then commanded the Church to be His light in the world. We understand that to mean that the Church is sent to the least, the lost, and the left behind as bearers of Jesus’ good news. We do not turn a blind eye to sin in our world. We confront abuse, hatred, and oppression. We are invited to join God in God’s work of bringing justice and righteousness. But what does that mean in our world and how does such a commitment result in creating a stickier faith? This week, we explore the importance of Sticky-Faith Justice in developing and nurturing an enduring faith in Jesus Christ.

"Sticky Relationships"

October 8, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • 1 Corinthians 12:12–20

We are in a sermon series exploring the importance of developing a faith that is sticky enough to hold us in a right relationship with Jesus, even when the struggles and distractions of this life try to tear us away. In order to develop a sticky faith, we intentionally engage in sticky conversations. This is something Jesus did throughout his ministry and we can follow his example by being approachable, available, and intentional in our faith conversations with others. Sticky faith is also nurtured through relationships. Christian fellowship is an invitation to join with other Jesus followers and together be faithful participants in Christ’s body here on earth. This Sunday we will be exploring the importance of sticky relationships in our faith formation.   1 Corinthians 12:12-20

"Sticky Conversations"

October 1, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Matthew 16:13–20, John 4:1–38, John 3:1–15, Matthew 19:16–26

You cannot read through the Gospels without eavesdropping on some challenging conversations between Jesus and others. It seems that Jesus was constantly teaching and pointing people to the coming Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus had conversations with all kinds of different people. Some were considered powerful and important while others were despised and rejected. Based on Jesus’ life, it is safe to assume that sticky faith requires sticky-faith conversations -- conversations modeled after Jesus’ approach. When it came to sticky-faith conversations Jesus was approachable, accessible, and intentional. Jesus claimed he only did what he saw his Father doing -- which means that Jesus was always looking for where the Father was at work in the world. A significant part of his earthly ministry was helping those around him see God at work as well. This Sunday, we continue with our "Sticky Faith" series by considering how sticky-faith conversations can help nurture a stronger faith in ourselves and encourage those around us. For examples of Jesus having sticky-faith conversations, read John 4:1-38, or John 3:1-15, or Matthew 19:16-26, or Matthew 16:13-20. This Sunday we will be celebrating the LORD's Supper together.

Sunday Worship Service "Sticky Identity"

September 24, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • John 17:15–26, Ephesians 2:8–10

It would seem in our current Western culture that the Christian faith is often treated like a team jersey: Something to put on to show your support on game day but unsuitable for all occasions. The idea that faith in Jesus affects a person’s day-to-day choices seems increasingly naive and outdated in today’s hyper-individualized society. Developing a sticky faith in Jesus requires that we believe and trust that Jesus is who the Bible says he is and that he did what the Bible says he did. But how do we develop and nurture a faith in Jesus that is sticky? It begins with a sticky identity. We know what the Bible says about Jesus, but what does it say about you? “Who am I?” is one of the most important questions a person will ask -- and they may spend their entire life trying to answer. If you want to develop a sticky faith in your own life and help others around you do the same, you must come to “grip” with your identity -- who you are in Christ Jesus. Join us this Sunday and discover the Bible’s answer to your question, “Who am I?” Primary Text: John 17:15-26, Ephesians 2:8-10.

The Sticky Gospel of Jesus Christ

September 17, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Isaiah 9:2–3, John 3:16–21

Christians talk a lot about “faith” -- specifically faith in Jesus Christ. Christian parents want their children to have faith in Jesus. Christians encourage other believers to remain faithful to Jesus in difficult times. When the future seems uncertain, Christians rally around faith. But what does it mean to put your faith in Jesus Christ? How do you know if you are putting your faith in Jesus or simply going through the motions? And what of people who leave or abandon their faith? Sticky Faith is an invitation for us to explore the unparalleled life Christians are meant to experience through faith in Jesus Christ.   What is sticky faith? It is both internal and external - Faith in Jesus impacts our inner thoughts and emotions and our external behaviors and choices. Sticky faith in Jesus involves whole-person integration. It is both personal and communal - Faith in Jesus is a personal decision and involves a personal relationship with the LORD, yet our faith is also intricately woven with others -- the Church. It is both mature and maturing - Sticky faith is revealed in marks of spiritual maturity but is also in the process of continual growth.   Faith in Jesus means you trust Jesus with your entire life. Join us this Sunday as we explore the Sticky Gospel of Jesus Christ. John 3:16-21; Isaiah 9:2  Link to Discussion/Reflection Questions are linked below!