
Sunday Worship Service "Sticky Identity"

September 24, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • John 17:15–26, Ephesians 2:8–10

It would seem in our current Western culture that the Christian faith is often treated like a team jersey: Something to put on to show your support on game day but unsuitable for all occasions. The idea that faith in Jesus affects a person’s day-to-day choices seems increasingly naive and outdated in today’s hyper-individualized society. Developing a sticky faith in Jesus requires that we believe and trust that Jesus is who the Bible says he is and that he did what the Bible says he did.

But how do we develop and nurture a faith in Jesus that is sticky? It begins with a sticky identity. We know what the Bible says about Jesus, but what does it say about you? “Who am I?” is one of the most important questions a person will ask -- and they may spend their entire life trying to answer. If you want to develop a sticky faith in your own life and help others around you do the same, you must come to “grip” with your identity -- who you are in Christ Jesus.

Join us this Sunday and discover the Bible’s answer to your question, “Who am I?”

Primary Text: John 17:15-26, Ephesians 2:8-10.

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