
" Sticky Handoffs" Sunday Worship Service

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus

Relay events in sports are fascinating to watch and exhilarating to participate in. It seems the perfect combination of individual achievement and team reliance. In many ways, the passing of the proverbial baton, and the race set before each athlete is a wonderful depiction of the church. At any moment in time, Christians are participating in God’s kingdom work as part of a grand relay team. From generation to generation, the great commission has been passed on and entrusted to Jesus’ Disciples. And what is our objective? To go and make disciples. We are commanded to live faithfully in Jesus and nurture faith in the next generation. Sticky Faith is encouraged as people step into God’s Kingdom unfolding around them and humbly serve in ways that bring God glory. Because the world is always changing around us, the methods we use (in pursuit of God’s mission) also change. However, the message of God’s salvation in Christ Jesus NEVER changes. "Sticky Handoffs" are critical for each generation to experience God’s missional call and live in faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit. This week, we will explore the necessary (yet too often overlooked) practice of handing off the Christian faith to the next generation.

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