
Idol Quest: False gods and pretty idols

March 6, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Exodus 20:3–6, Jeremiah 25:4–7

Lent is a 40-day season of preparation before Resurrection Sunday during which Christ-followers are encouraged, through prayer and fasting, to acknowledge their sinfulness. Lent isn’t a time to try and impress God with acts of righteousness or be overcome with guilt and shame over our sinfulness. Lent is a season in which we humbly acknowledge that the LORD God is God alone, and we are God’s people.

Too often in Lent, we fixate on the symptoms of our “sin disease” without properly diagnosing the real problem. Author and pastor Kyle Idleman suggests that the heart of our rebellion against God is an insatiable appetite for false gods and crafted idols. We are an idolatrous people. Now, you may be thinking, “No way, I don’t have any little gold figurines that I bow down to pray to. I’m not an idolater.” But what if your idols are hiding in plain sight - so ingrained in your day-to-day life that you don’t even recognize them for the God-substitute they have become. Perhaps our adversary knows that Western Christians are too clever to intentionally worship a crafted image of gold or silver. So our idols must take the form of pleasure, power, love, even tradition.

This Sunday, we begin our series, Idol Quest. The purpose is not to find idols to worship, but instead - discover the idols that already exist - the ones that are hiding in plain sight. This quest will lead us into repentance as we humbly acknowledge our idolatry and faithfully replace the false gods of our culture with the True God, revealed in the Messiah - Jesus.

In preparation for this Sunday Read Exodus 20:3-6 and Jeremiah 25:4-7.
Today is Communion Sunday

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