Throughout the season of Lent, we have been considering the false gods and idols hiding in plain sight. These idols are in our lives and prevalent in our land. Our Heavenly Father loves His human creation and delights in giving us good gifts. However, in our sinfulness, we turn the gift into a false god, worshiping the gift and turning it into an idol of our own making. We then give our idols power over our lives, distorting our true identity as God’s children. This Sunday, we will be exploring idols of security. We want a higher power to cover us and protect us. We know that many things in our lives are simply outside of our ability to control, so we build a hard shell of protection, but it may be nothing more than a false sense of security.
For many, we turn to money as our idol of choice. If I earn enough, save enough, invest wisely, my money will shield me from calamity. Money is a false god of security as well as a false god of power. Author and Pastor Kyle Idleman provides a compelling video on this subject. You can watch it through Rightnow Media at
This Sunday, we will be focusing on another idol of security, the false gods of tradition. Tradition has merits and we see throughout the Old Testament God’s instruction through the prophets to uphold certain rituals and festivals. They are gifts from God meant to help God’s people re-order their lives around the One True God. But what happens when traditions become idols? To what extent are we carrying around idols of tradition handed down from previous generations? What if these gifts of tradition have become for us a false god, instilling in us a false sense of security? This Sunday, we will again return to the complicated family of Jacob in Genesis 31:22-35 as we explore the idols of tradition hiding in plain sight.
Idols of Tradition
April 3, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Genesis 31:22–35
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Idol Quest