
Idols of Love

March 27, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Genesis 29:16–35, Genesis 22:1–19

Unearthing the false gods and idols hiding in plain sight can be dangerous, just ask Indiana Jones! For the rest of us, unearthing the hidden idols in our lives can prove perilous to our old habits and comfortable religion. Already we have come face to face with some surprising false gods. Idols of pleasure can take on the form of sex, entertainment, and food. Idols of power can be seen in a relentless pursuit of success and desire to achieve. These idols are jealous for your time, talent, treasure, and testimony. The real problem with all of these false gods is that they battle against the One True God, who is also jealous for you. So, who will you worship? Like the Hebrews listening to Joshua as they settle into their new homes, “choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15).

Idols in our lives and in our land all seem to stem from good gifts given to us by a loving Heavenly Father. However, we too often turn the gift into a god. This is perhaps most evident in the Idols of Love. We know that love is good. In fact, love is at the very center of God’s heart for us. We crave love. We are commanded to love God and love our neighbors. How can love be an idol? Well, never underestimate the depravity of our sinful nature. This week we will explore the idols of love which take the form of romance and family.

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