
Idol Quest: The Idols of Pleasure

March 13, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • John 6:1–15, John 6:25–27, 2 Samuel 13:1–22, Ecclesiastes 2:1–11

Last Sunday you were invited on an idol quest. This is not an adventurous pursuit of hidden artifacts but rather a soul-searching expedition to uncover the hidden idols in your own life. Often these idols are hiding in plain sight, so enculturated in your everyday life that you don’t even realize their power over you. But none-the-less, they quietly and consistently lure you away from the One True God, seducing you to give them your time, treasure, talents, and even your testimony. You may not set up monuments to your false gods or express religious devotion through formal associations, but today’s idols are content to exist as your secret mistress. Today’s idolatry is still adultery in the eyes of God.

The first idols we will seek out on our idol quest can be best described as the Idols of Pleasure. These false gods take the form of entertainment, food, and sex (just to name a few). In our society, these idols promise great happiness, excitement, and even bliss. We crave an experience from them powerful enough to be transcendent in its effects. In our society, we feel entitled to these false gods of pleasure and in practice, have carved out such a place of prominence for them, that our economy is driven by their insatiable hold on our hearts.
This Sunday, we explore the idols of pleasure. In preparation read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11; John 6:1-15, 25-27; 2 Samuel 13:1-22.

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