
Miracles week 2

September 5, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Luke 17:1–25

We continue in our Miracles series focusing this week on Jesus’ encounter with 10 lepers; contagious outcasts who were desperate for healing. This miracle is recorded only in the book of Luke, chapter 17. By this point in Luke’s account of the gospel, Jesus is well regarded as a healer and a teacher the primary focus of which is the Kingdom of God. Salvation becomes a central focus of this healing miracle as Jesus responds to the one healed man who returns to praise Jesus for the gift.

This Sunday we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Communion. The LORD’s Supper is a reminder of the gift of salvation purchased for us by the blood of Jesus Christ. The gift of salvation and the subsequent new life that believers have in Christ Jesus testifies to a miracle of redemption and reconciliation. This Sunday, pause in gratitude and thanksgiving for the gift of salvation, the freedom from spiritual enslavement, and the hope of Christ’s triumphant return.

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

What stood out to you from this morning’s message?

Pastor Chris suggested in his sermon that while all 10 lepers were healed, only one was saved. What did he mean by that?

Why was it significant that the 10 lepers go and show themselves to the priests?

In Matthew 8 Jesus heals another leper and tells him to show himself to the priest and offer the appropriate sacrifice.

If you would like to explore the sacrifice associated with declaring someone clean, read Leviticus 14:1-7. In what ways does this sacrifice also parallel the sacrifice Jesus made for us?

Read all of Luke 17. What other aspects of Jesus’ teaching and proclamation are given authority through the miracle he performs?

What questions do you have pertaining to faith and miracles?