The miracles of Jesus are all carefully recorded in the Gospel Accounts as evidence and testimony to the authority of Jesus’ teaching and proclamation concerning the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ miracles backed up his words with power! Throughout our series we have seen Jesus claim an authority not only over sickness, but over sin as well - forgiving men and women of their sins as only God can do. This past Sunday Becca Gamboa led us through John’s account of raising Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating Jesus' power over death. This Sunday, we will be looking at an example of Jesus’ authority over the powers of darkness and the Devil through the healing of a boy with an evil spirit. This story miracle is recorded in Matthew, Luke and Mark 9:14-29 (which is what we will be studying). Consider reading all of Mark chapter 9 in preparation for this Sunday’s message.
Miracles week 8
October 17, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Mark 9
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Miracles of Jesus