
Miracles week 6

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Matthew 14

Our Miracles of Jesus series has focused on the incredible healing miracles performed by Jesus. This week, we will transition to exploring some of Jesus’ miracles that appear to defy the natural order. In many ways, these are even harder for us to comprehend -- Feeding 5000+ people, then collecting leftovers that exceed the original amount of food? Storms calmed with a single command? A man, dead for days, suddenly brought back to life? These miracles of Jesus defy our imagination and force us to consider Jesus’ power and authority in a new light. This Sunday, we will focus on the miraculous feeding of over 5000 people. This story appears in all four Gospel accounts, but we will be looking at Matthew’s account.

In preparation for this Sunday’s message read Matthew 14: 13-21