
Sunday | Overview - John 13-17


April 21, 2024

This week's Competitors Challenge will be focused on John 13-17 and, like last week, John continues to build upon the foundation of the truth of our LORD and Savior! In the commentary on John 13-15, Jesus exemplifies servanthood by washing His disciples' feet, emphasizing the principle of serving rather than being served. Despite foreknowing Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial, Jesus embodies the Father's unconditional love through His actions. His commandment to love one another mirrors His love for us. Jesus declares Himself as the exclusive path to the Father, emphasizing his role as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The intimate unity between the Father and the Son is highlighted, assuring that Jesus has triumphed over the world. He illustrates the metaphor of the true vine, signifying our connection to Him as branches. Although Jesus will depart, He promises the Holy Spirit as our advocate, bringing peace and guiding us into truth.

Chapter 16 gives us another dimension of how the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and righteousness. He also reassures us that even though we have chaos, trials, tribulation, and adversity - in Him we shall have peace and victory in His name! Chapter 17 beautifully ends with a prayer for Himself, His disciples, and all believers coming into the fold!

Devotional provided by:

Llynette Kincaide, FCA Field Ambassador - Southeast Michigan

Monday | Acts 12

May 20, 2024

Questions: 1) What does this chapter say about God? 2) What does this chapter say about people? 3) By God's grace, how will you obey? 4) Who will you share this Scripture with?

Sunday | Overview - Acts 12-16

May 19, 2024

When I think about game day there’s something exciting and significant about being sent into a game! With it, comes a level of anticipation and excitement because of the work put in leading up to that game that has prepared you as the coach or athlete for that game! When I read Acts 13, I love what we see Barnabas and Paul doing. The Bible says these men were worshipping the Lord and they were fasting. We do not know exactly why these men were doing this, but I would imagine it came out of their devotion to the Lord. I believe they were keeping themselves postured in a place so they could hear from the Lord as they were preparing for what would come next. I love the saying, “if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready!” In the midst of their worship, the Holy Spirit speaks that Barnabas and Saul have been appointed for a special work to which he has called them and after more fasting and prayer they would be SENT to fulfill this mission! When you think about what God is preparing you for inside of your sport, inside your locker room, inside of your school, remember that before we are sent we must be ready to hear his voice. After he speaks we can receive prayer and be ready to move. I pray that as you seek the Lord today you do so in the presence of other believers so that as he prepares to send you, you’re surrounded with teammates that will spiritually cover you for the journey ahead! Devotional provided by: Nobles Darby IV, FCA Metro Director - Cleveland, Ohio

Saturday | Overtime - Isaiah 66

May 18, 2024

Isaiah 66:1-2 is referenced in Acts 7:49-50 Questions: 1) What does this chapter say about God? 2) What does this chapter say about people? 3) By God's grace, how will you obey? 4) Who will you share this Scripture with?