
Saturday | Overtime - Isaiah 66


May 18, 2024

Isaiah 66:1-2 is referenced in Acts 7:49-50


1) What does this chapter say about God?

2) What does this chapter say about people?

3) By God's grace, how will you obey?

4) Who will you share this Scripture with?

Sunday | Overview - Acts 22-26

June 2, 2024

Acts chapter 22 opens with Paul speaking to the Jewish mob that tried to kill him at the end of chapter 21. For the next several chapters, 22-26, we see Paul facing false accusations and physical mistreatment, and a plot to have him killed for simply preaching the Gospel. Paul would not be silenced. Whether bound in chains or brought before leaders and kings, Paul faithfully shared his powerful witness of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. These Scriptures should help us develop a greater desire to follow the example of Paul in testifying about Jesus and His Gospel and what he has done in our daily lives. Paul’s response to those trying to persecute and kill him was to teach them about Jesus. Paul shared his story and testimony in hopes they would also turn from their sinful ways of disobedience to God and put their faith in Jesus. This is a great example of practicing Matthew 5:43-45. “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. For he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” God’s patience and grace towards us should cause us to extend patience and grace to others. Because of Jesus’ love and grace towards him on the road to Damascus, Paul extended that grace to those who were trying to do to him what he used to do to other Christians before his conversion. When we understand the grace we’ve received, our patience and love for others will grow. Devotional provided by: Bret Floyd, FCA Area Director - South-Central WV

Saturday | Overtime - Proverbs 11

June 1, 2024

Proverbs 11:25 is referenced in Acts 20:35 Questions: 1) What does this chapter say about God? 2) What does this chapter say about people? 3) By God's grace, how will you obey? 4) Who will you share this Scripture with?

Friday | Acts 21

May 31, 2024

Questions: 1) What does this chapter say about God? 2) What does this chapter say about people? 3) By God's grace, how will you obey? 4) Who will you share this Scripture with?