The Reset
May 24, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
Do ya remember your old gaming system you played as a kid? They had this little invention that assisted you if it ever froze, got stuck or you wanted a redo - it was the RESET button. Following Peter's story out after his failure moment, we see him returning to his old life of fishing - but Jesus meets him and gives him a RESET moment. It's a moment we all need at times. Thanks to Jesus, it's a moment we're each invited into.
When We Fail
May 17, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. As we continue our journey in the gospel of John, I want us to peer into a MISTAKE MOMENT of Peter and what we learn about Jesus. Sometimes, just like Peter, we get things right! Sometimes, just like Peter, we most definitely get things wrong. What Peter will come to discover is God’s amazing truth: You can’t “work your way” into God’s grace and you can't “behave your way” out of it. Jesus shows us that God is a God of CORRECTION, not CONDEMNATION.
Jesus Prays
May 10, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
Let's look into a prayer of Jesus. It’s known as the great Priestly Prayer of Jesus in the gospel of John, chapter 17. There's so much that comes from how Jesus prays. Read it. Lean into it. Meet His heart for you in it. He knew all that would occur once the church began to move – so he prayed for you, for me, for us. And He still does...
Build Wisely
July 24, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:24–29
We are each building a life. We're building on a foundation. We each get to choose what that foundation is and at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is calling us to choose him as that foundation. He is the one to build your life upon and the only foundation that will help you and I withstand the storms of life. To build your life on Jesus means that you trust him and that you not just appreciate what he says, you actually do it. Doers of the word, not just hearers.
Take Heart
May 3, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
When it comes to life and especially seasons like this that we're navigating, we all find ourselves asking WHY? That question has been around a long time and Jesus doesn't ignore the struggles or the ache of the heart we all feel at times. In fact, he directly tells us the truth about the hardships of life. He discusses the truth and he also delivers an incredible promise in the gospel of John (John 16:33). His promise that we can find peace in him no matter the hardship and we don't have to ever lose heart.
The Friend
April 26, 2020 • Pastor David Porter
Who is the Holy Spirit, what He like, what does He desire, and what’s His ultimate purpose and why He’s the best friend and greatest gift you can ever have? In this short message we were only able to touch upon the unfathomable riches we have in Christ through the Spirit but we hope you listen and then seek a greater relationship with the Holy Spirit for He is your only way to intimately know Jesus and the Father. He is eternal life and the rivers of living waters your longing for!!!
Choose Jesus
July 17, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:12–21
In nearing the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is bringing home his message and making it personal. He’s indicating that his teaching is not to be merely praised but to be practiced. It’s not to be commended but to be carried out. He’s challenging his listeners then and now to move beyond mere admiration of him and to choose to follow Him and his ways.
Ask Seek Knock
July 10, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:7–12
Again Jesus returns to the invitation that prayer and connection with the Heavenly Father beckons us to discover. We’re to live with a desire to persistently ask, seek and knock in order to receive from His hand as He extends provision, wisdom and guidance. There are no supply chain issues in the Kingdom of God and His heart is more than ready to commune and connect with His children. He is always for our best.
Philippians: The Greatest Hits
September 29, 2024 • Pastor Jack Schull
Today, we’re turning an eye to the greatest hits of Paul in his letter to the folks in Philippi. We’ll do a quick flyover - filled with reminders of the gospel truth we’re to hold onto in this letter and the principles and passions we are to adopt in following Jesus. This letter is packed with rich theology of Christ and His truth for each of us to live out, empowered by God’s grace in our everyday life. May you be refreshed often by the reminders locked up in this text as the Holy Spirit anchors you to God’s promises and perspectives.
April 19, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
Jesus is NOT someone we put our faith in – in one moment of time; then we’ve got our ticket to heaven and we just set it and forget it. He’s the ONE we’re to repeatedly anchor too, constantly stay connected to, endlessly tether our lives to; this relationship with Jesus is to be something we REMAIN in continually.
5 Practices to Grow in Christ
November 27, 2022 • Pastor Lyle Thompson • 2 Thessalonians 3
As we conclude our series through 1 & 2 Thessalonians, we see Paul reiterating the importance of putting into practice the things he modeled for the Thessalonians during his time with them. Looking at the rhythms established by the early church fathers, we see five practices that one can turn into habits that will help us stand firm and grow in our spiritual formation.
The Way, The Truth, The Life
April 12, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
As we celebrate Easter, we remember that first morning when Jesus arose! It changed everything - for everyday moving forward! An eternal HOPE dawned that day that still reaches out to us in our day. How can we lay hold of it? How can we have it hold us? Through trusting in Jesus as The Way, The Truth and The Life. May God's grace refresh your heart today friends as we worship and adore our Risen Savior!
Judgement According to Jesus
July 3, 2022 • Pastor Lyle Thompson • Matthew 7:1–6
Matthew 7:1-6 contains one of the most often quoted verses, yet it is one of the most misunderstood teachings of Jesus. How are followers of Jesus meant to use discernment in confronting sin in each other and ourselves? How are we to use discernment in confronting those outside the church? Jesus answers these questions for us in this short, but often mischaracterized, passage of The Sermon on the Mount.
The Secret of Contentment
September 22, 2024 • Pastor Jack Schull
As the Apostle Paul closes out this letter to the church in Philippi. He reemphasizes his gratefulness and a deep thank you to a people that is very special to him. He zeroes in a secret and a promise. He’s wanting them to know that they can experience this secret of contentment as well. And they can also live with a growing confidence in the promise of God’s provision as they grow in their generosity, gratitude and reliance upon Jesus.
Stand Firm
November 20, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17
We live in a culture that allows great freedoms; but there is also growing opposition to faith and tradition of faith and the teachings of Scripture - it will bring rising heartache and pushback. We are to stand firm & hold fast. We’re to be people that love like Christ. People full of conviction and compassion. People who hold to truth and grace.
Faith on the GO
October 21, 2018 • Pastor Jack Schull
We're to live on the GO for Jesus. Some of his final words recorded in the gospel of Matthew are to be are first priority! If we’re to live out the Great Commission of Jesus (Matt 28), we must do so with Great Commandment love (Matt 22). We must live it out through our actions AND we must speak about Jesus as we have opportunity. We examined 3 key opportunities available to us as we seek to leverage our lives for Jesus as His disciple.
Psalm 145
July 28, 2019 • Pastor Jack Schull
We have a phrase we use: 'sing the praises' - referring to when we talk up or share about something or someone that means a lot to us. Psalm 145 is chalked full of insights, understandings and instruction all about praise for God. King David is talking up God, practicing his praise to the Lord and pushing us to follow his pattern - to make praise a normal and natural part of our lives. It's helping us learn how to PAUSE to PRAISE and to grow our relationship with God.
Faith and Anxiety
June 26, 2022 • Pastor Lyle Thompson • Matthew 6:19–34
As Jesus continues His sermon, He makes several strong statements regarding the relationship His followers should have with their possessions. The whole-hearted follower of Jesus cannot pursue Him and material goods. Doing so creates an anxious heart that prevents His followers from seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness before all other things. How can Jesus’ followers overcome this anxiety and live with a single-minded devotion to Him?
Church FOR People
October 11, 2020 • Pastor Jack Schull
Jesus is FOR you & He’s FOR people — He longs for His Church to make the same proclamation of Good News - that God is FOR people wherever they are at. This generation is looking for an alternative to simply more hype or more hate. They’re looking for HOPE. Friends, the CHURCH is still the hope FOR the world - we’re to carry forward the very mission of Jesus. (Luke 4:18-21)
A Lifestyle of Serving
April 5, 2020 • Pastor David Porter
As we all continue to navigate these ‘stay at home’ days, there is a powerful lesson we can lean into and practice that Jesus models. Jesus demonstrates the full extent of his love (John 13:1) as he serves and washes the feet of His disciples - giving us an example to heed. Real love serves others and isn’t self-seeking. Serving is our calling and is to be our lifestyle as we follow our Savior who led the way.
God's Unity and Peace
September 15, 2024 • Pastor Jack Schull
Relational tension is a part of any and every relationship. It can stir stress and anxiety within us. The Apostle Paul gives us a prompt for exchanging relational anxiousness for an abiding peace from God. He tells the Philippians what they can do, so that God’s peace can return to their heart and in their church. Yes, it will take work and effort. No, it’s not necessarily easy. But it is our calling. This is one of the most beautiful passages of Scripture that leans on God’s promise of His peace to watch over us, when we align our lives to this gospel practice. God's unity and peace will prevail.