
Faith and Anxiety

June 26, 2022 • Pastor Lyle Thompson • Matthew 6:19–34

As Jesus continues His sermon, He makes several strong statements regarding the relationship His followers should have with their possessions. The whole-hearted follower of Jesus cannot pursue Him and material goods. Doing so creates an anxious heart that prevents His followers from seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness before all other things. How can Jesus’ followers overcome this anxiety and live with a single-minded devotion to Him?

Build Wisely

July 24, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:24–29

We are each building a life. We're building on a foundation. We each get to choose what that foundation is and at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is calling us to choose him as that foundation. He is the one to build your life upon and the only foundation that will help you and I withstand the storms of life. To build your life on Jesus means that you trust him and that you not just appreciate what he says, you actually do it. Doers of the word, not just hearers.

Choose Jesus

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:12–21

In nearing the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is bringing home his message and making it personal. He’s indicating that his teaching is not to be merely praised but to be practiced. It’s not to be commended but to be carried out. He’s challenging his listeners then and now to move beyond mere admiration of him and to choose to follow Him and his ways.

Ask Seek Knock

July 10, 2022 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 7:7–12

Again Jesus returns to the invitation that prayer and connection with the Heavenly Father beckons us to discover. We’re to live with a desire to persistently ask, seek and knock in order to receive from His hand as He extends provision, wisdom and guidance. There are no supply chain issues in the Kingdom of God and His heart is more than ready to commune and connect with His children. He is always for our best.