
God Comes Near to His People

Exodus 20

August 29, 2021 • Mike Polley

In this sermon, Pastor Mike Polley gives us an "Exodus Refresh." He overviews the story of the first nineteen chapters of Exodus and lays the foundation for what we see in Exodus 20 with the giving of the Ten Commandments. In this sermon, we ultimately see that God rescues his people and then gives them the Law as a means of cultivating intimacy with his own chosen people. Ultimately, Jesus pays the price in order to rescue us from the slavery to sin that we were in and then Jesus makes it possible for us to be near to God. Jesus, the one who knew no sin, made the payment for sin, so that we may be reconciled to God, and be in His presence forever. The sins that had separated us, now have been paid for and removed.