
We Will See His Glory

Exodus 35-40

November 21, 2021 • Kenneth Ortiz

In this sermon, Kenny Ortiz closes out the Exodus series by giving a recap and overview of the entire book and then summarizing the last six chapters. Way back in the Garden of Eden, humans enjoyed God's presence, but we sinned and the perfect fellowship was broken. But God immediately promises to send a savior. Then, the entire books of Genesis and Exodus are the unfolding plan of God to fulfill his promise to send that savior; to bring us back into the presence of God.

At first it appears that the tabernacle is going to be the place where humans re-enter into the presence of God, but they're boxed out of God's presence there, and the tabernacle actually becomes the place where humans realized that all their efforts cannot bridge the gap between humanity and God. The tabernacle cannot remove the separation between God and man, but it foreshadows the person who will be able to remove the separation: Jesus.