
Righteous and Holy Laws in a Sinful and Broken World

Exodus 21

September 5, 2021 • Joe Rigney

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Rigney examines Exodus 21 and gives us insights into how to approach the "case law" that is included as part of the Old Testament. The case law gives us examples that reveal the morality and will of God, and we can use that to help us navigate various situations in our modern world. This sermon especially highlights the laws related to slavery and helps us understand how Exodus 21 informs our thinking around slavery, both the ancient and modern versions of it. This sermon ends by highlighting verse 21:5 and the slave who says, “I love my master, my wife, and my children. I’m staying here.” In this, we see a picture of our relationship to Christ, our Master in heaven. We love him, and we love the people in his household. And in the passage, the love slave has his ear bored by his master at a doorpost, no doubt leaving his blood there. And as I said, that can’t help but call to mind the Passover, in which the blood of a lamb on the doorpost protected the people from the eye-for-an-eye justice due to them.