
Livestream Team

Sunday A.M.

January 7, 2024 • Jody Ferreira

Thank you for considering signing up for the Livestream Team at CLC, directed by Jody Ferreira! Make sure to hit the SIGN UP button on this page!

We are dedicated to making disciples through online digital broadcasting. We typically livestream the first service (9:00 to 10:30 a.m.) on Sunday mornings. Our team serves on a rotation, and training typically happens on both Tuesday night at music practice (6:30 to 8:00p) as well as Sunday mornings.

We believe serving in the local church is critical, and we're so glad you're considering taking the leap.

Whether you're highly skilled or just starting out, we want to train you & help you find the right fit!

Please hit the SIGN UP button on this page, fill out the info, and we'll be in touch soon!

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