
In Christ Alone

The Gospel of John

In Christ Alone - Final

October 23, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 21:18–25

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 24th Q: If you could ask God when and how you will die, would you want to know? FIRST READ: John 21:18-25 Q: Why did Jesus tell Peter the nature of his death? What did Jesus say about the purpose of Peter’s death? (v. 19) Q: Why does John link Jesus’ notification of Peter’s death so closely to the repeated command to “follow me?” (v. 19) Does this seem strange to you? Q: Why do you think Peter inquired about John’s future? (v. 21) What was in Peter’s heart after Jesus gave him the news about his end? Q: Why did Jesus respond in the way he did to Peter’s question? What do we learn about life and the future from Jesus’ response? (v. 22) Q: Do you think verse 25 is hyperbole? What were the other kinds of things Jesus did? What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles?

In Christ Alone - Part 90

October 16, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 21:15–19

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 10th Q: Apart from God, what/who do you love most on this earth? FIRST READ: John 21:15-19 Q: When Jesus asks Peter, “do you love me more than these?”, what are the “these” Jesus refers to? The other disciples? The fishing industry? Breakfast? Q: What did Jesus mean when He commanded Peter to “Feed my lambs?” Whose lambs are they? Why did Jesus refer to them as “lambs” and not “sheep?” How was Peter to “. . . feed them? Q: Why did Jesus ask Peter essentially the same question three times? Why did He shift to using the word, “tend?” instead of “feed?” Q: Why was Peter “grieved?” (v. 17) Why did He shift back to the term “feed?” How are the apostles and elder/pastors commanded to “feed” and “tend?” Q: What was Peter’s future path? Why did Jesus reveal Peter’s future path in following Jesus? (vs. 17) Q: At the conclusion of this conversation, why did Jesus repeat the command, “. . . follow me?” (vs. 19) How did Peter’s journey with Jesus begin? (READ Matthew 4:18-20) Where does our journey begin?

In Christ Alone - Part 89

October 9, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 21:1–14

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 10th Q:What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever experienced in your Christian experience? FIRST READ: John 21:1-14 Q: After all the disciples had seen and heard, what was wrong with Peter’s decision to go back to fishing? (v. 3) What influence did Peter’s decision have on the other disciples? What does this tell you about Peter’s role among the first disciples? Q: What spiritual lesson might be gleaned from these experienced, professional fishermen getting “skunked?” (v. 4) Q: Why did Jesus ask the disciples a question to which He already knew the answer? (v. 4-5) How is the question similar to the question God asked of Adam in Genesis? (READ Genesis 3:8-10) Have you ever sensed God asking you a question similar to this one? Q: What is the difference between John’s response and Peter’s? What does this tell you about Peter’s heart? (vs. 7-8)

In Christ Alone - Part 88

October 2, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 20

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 3rd Q:Where were you when you first believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? FIRST READ: John 20 Q: At a glance, who were the ones listed in John 20 as having seen and the risen Christ? What were some of the various reactions these folks had to Jesus’ resurrection? Q: Did Mary immediately believe that Jesus rose from the grave? Why was she at the tomb in the first place? (V. 1, 2) Q: How did Mary react to the news that Christ had risen from the dead? (v. 13-18) Q: What did John “see?” What did he believe after this? (v. 8, 9) Q: Opinion question: Do you think Jesus unwrapped his own grave cloths or did He have a little help? (v.5-8, 12) Q: How did Jesus appear in the house if all the doors were locked? (v. 19-20) Does this tell us anything about the nature of the resurrected body? (READ AND DISCUSS: I John 3:2; Philippians 3:21)

In Christ Alone - Part 87

September 25, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 19:31–42

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of September 26th Q: What is the greatest physical pain you’ve ever experienced? FIRST READ: John 19:31-42 Q: Why couldn’t the bodies remain on their crosses before the Sabbath? What does this reveal about the problem with the law enforced by the Sanhedrin? (vs. 31) Q: Why did the other two victims of crucifixion have their legs broken? (v. 32) Why didn’t they break Jesus’ legs? (vs. 33) What did they do to Jesus’ lifeless body instead of breaking His legs? (vs. 34) Q: What was the purpose of John’s narrative of the crucifixion? (v. 35) Q: What role did Old Testament Scripture play in these events? (Vs. 36, 37) What does this tell us about Scripture? About Jesus’ identity? Q: Why was Nicodemus attending the crucifixion? Why did he offer such a costly gift for preparing Jesus’ body for burial? (vs. 39, 40) What did Jesus reveal to Nicodemus in an earlier conversation? (READ John 3:1-18)

In Christ Alone - Part 86

September 11, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 19:16–30

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of September 12th Q: Have there been times when you needed someone to help you carry your cross? FIRST READ: John 19:16-30 Q: Why is it significant that Jesus was crucified between two other men? (v. 18) Why was it important that Jesus was in the middle? Q: READ: Luke 23:39-43. What had the criminal done to deserve Paradise? In Luke 23:40-42, what do we know about the heart-attitude of the thief who was welcomed into Paradise? Q: What was wrong with the sign Pilate made? What was right with it? (v. 19) Q: READ Psalm 22. Why did John quote this chapter? Make note of the sections that apply to Jesus’ crucifixion. Q: Who is “the disciple He loved?” (v. 26) Why was this section included? What do we learn from verses 25-27? Q: Why is it significant that a Hyssop branch was used? Where else do we see the Hyssop branch? (v.29) Q: Why did Jesus say, “It is finished?” What was finished? What was the primary work assigned to Jesus by the Father?

In Christ Alone - Part 85

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 19:1–16

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of September 5th Q: Have you ever been slapped? How is a slap different from a punch? What residual emotions remain from this event? Why is slapping so insulting? FIRST READ: John 19:1-16 Q: Read Matthew 5:38-40. What is Jesus’ ethic regarding retaliation for offenses? What does Jesus tell us to do with “an evil person?” Q: In verse 19:3, was “King of the Jews” a technically correct title for Jesus’ role? Q: Pilate found no guilt in Jesus. Do you think the religious authorities found actual guilt in Jesus? If so, what were their actual charges against Jesus? Q: Why was Pilate “frightened” by the condemnation of Jesus? (v. 8) Q: In verse 9, why was the origin of Jesus important to the Jewish leaders? Why was it important enough for Pilate to ask Him this question? Q: In verses 9, 10, why did Jesus refuse to respond to Pilate’s question? How is this like the prophecy in Isaiah 53:7? Q: In your own words, explain Jesus’ answer in verse 11. Q: Why did the Jews respond with the political answer in verse 12.

In Christ Alone - Part 84

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 18:28–40

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of Aug. 29th, 2022 Q: Have you ever had to go to court? How did it turn out? FIRST READ: John 18:28-40 Q: What do we know about Caiaphas? What part did he play in both the all-night trial before the Sanhedrin and the government trial before Pilot? Q: Why wouldn’t the Jewish religious authorities enter the court of Pilot? (v. 28) What does this reveal about their religious practice? And their hearts? Q: What was the conflict Pilot felt in judging Jesus? (vs. 29-32) What was Caiaphas’ response to Pilot’s questions? Q: Why did Caiaphas bring a non-religious, political change agains Jesus, “King of the Jews?” Why would this have been a crafty way to bring a charge Pilot would have to address? (v. 33) Q: Try to explain Jesus’ words in verse 36 in your own words. What implications does this truth have for life in 2022 America? How should we live when we accept Jesus’ perspective? Q: The world hates Jesus’ discples because we believe and teach the truth. In verse 37, what did Jesus say was His main calling? Q: What was Pilot’s intention when he said, “What is truth?” Was be inquiring of Jesus? Or simply cynical? Or attacking Jesus’ statement?

In Christ Alone - Part 83

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 18:12–27

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of Aug. 22nd, 2022 Q: Have you ever felt betrayed by a friend or family member? Is this event still “alive” in your heart? FIRST READ: John 18:12-27 Q: Why did the Jews bring such a strong force to arrest Jesus? Do you think they feared Him? In what way? Q: Although Caiaphas didn’t understand what he was saying, what did he prophesy about Jesus? (v. 14) Do you think God can speak through lost people, especially government officials? Can you provide an example? Q: In his first denial, what do you think was in Peter’s heart? (v. 17) Q: Why did John specifically reference a “charcoal fire?” (v. 18) Where else do we find reference to another “charcoal fire?” (John 21:9) Why do you think this is significant? Q: People today are seemingly attempting to be more secretive today. What did Jesus say about the messages He shared? (v. 20) What is the value of believing and speaking truth openly? Q: A rooster crowed at Peter’s denial of Christ. I’m sure he heard that crow for the rest of his life. Have you ever, in any way, denied Jesus?

In Christ Alone - Part 82

August 7, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 18:1–11

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of August 8th, 2022 Q: Where do you go most often to meet with Jesus alone? FIRST READ: John 18:1-11 Q: Why did Judas come after Jesus was such a strong, heavily armed company? What did he fear? What do you think was on his mind at this point? How do you think he justified having Jesus arrested? Q: How much knowledge about His future did Jesus have at this point? (v. 4) Since He already knew the answer to the question, why did Jesus ask “Whom do you seek?” (v. 4) Q: Do you think there were people in the crowd who still didn’t recognize Jesus? (v. 5) Jesus answered with “I am he.” What did the crowd know about Him so far? What did the disciples understand about Him at this point? Q: In your prayerful imagination, how do you see the scene in verse 6? Where the people swept to the ground by a mighty wind? Pastor Luke suggested an earthquake. What do you think? And what does this indicated about the name and power of Jesus’ spoken word? Q: What does verse 9 tell you about Judas? Do you think that churches can still have the spirit of Judas in their midst? How should a church deal with this kind of person when revealed?

In Christ Alone - Part 81

July 31, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 17:20–26

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of August 1st, 2022 Q: Who do you pray for most? FIRST READ: John 17:20-26 Q: As you consider Jesus’ words in 17:1, how does it affect you to know that Jesus prayed for those who would believe as a result of the apostle’s witness? And that He also prayed for all the generations of those to come. As He prayed for the generations, He knew your name and was aware of the fact the Father would give you to Him one day! How do you respond to that? Q: How deep is the unity that Jesus requests of the Father? How is this illustrated in verse 21? What impact will our unity have on the lost world? (v. 21) Q: Pastor Luke defined Jesus’ imparted glory as the display of His holiness, character and attributes in our lives. (v. 22) What does this teach us about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? How much should we desire unity in the body of Christ? Is there anything we should not sacrifice to attain unity? Q: In verse 23, what are the two things the world learns about God by observing our love for one another (unity)? Q: in verse 24, what is it that Jesus “wants?” How long has the Father loved the Son? Q: In verse 26, what is it that Jesus’ desires for His disciples?

In Christ Alone - Part 80

July 25, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 17:6–19

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of July 25th, 2022 Q: What are the top three matters you take before the Father in your prayer times? FIRST READ: John 17:6-19 Q: Explain the main two points of verse 6 in your own words. Q: Why didn’t Jesus pray “for the world” in verse 9? Why did He specifically pray for His gathered followers? Q: As a matter of stewardship, who owns everything? (v. 10) How much do you, as a follower of Jesus Christ, personally own? Q: In verse 11, why did Jesus pray that the Father would protect His followers? Jesus prays for protection “. . . so that . . .” What does this tell you about the priority in prayer of Jesus heart? Q: Since the world will hate us, what prayer does Jesus does offer on our behalf? (v. 14, 15) Q: Explain what Jesus means when He says that we are “not of this world.” (v. 16) Q: Why does the world hate us? (v. 17, 19) Does Jesus want his followers to strive to “fit in” and make everyone comfortable?

In Christ Alone - Part 79

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 17:1–5

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of July 18th, 2022 Q: Who do you know the best? How has your friendship strengthened your life? FIRST READ: John 17:1-5 Q: When you pray, do you bow your head or lift up your face “to Heaven?” What meaning do this posture have to you? Q: Jesus prayed, “Father, the hour has come . . .” What was the hour Jesus referred to? Q: How would the events to come “glorify” Jesus? How would this bring glory to the Father? (v. 1, 2) Q: Have you given much thought to “eternal life?” How does this life compare to the life to come? Q: What is Jesus’ definition eternal life? What does it mean to “know” God? Are you confident that His eternal life is yours? Q: In verse 4, how did Jesus accomplish the work assigned by the Father? What does this tell you about the role of the Father within the trinity? Q: What insight do you garner from John 15:5 to assist in understanding “eternal life?”

In Christ Alone - Part 78

July 10, 2022 • Dana Croxton • John 16:25–33

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of July 10th, 2022 Q: What is the most confusing parable or teaching of Jesus? Which of Jesus’ sayings are the hardest to understand? FIRST READ: John 16:25-33 Q: Why did Jesus teach with “figures of speech?” (v. 25) Q: Why was asking “in Jesus’ name” new to the disciples? (v. 26-27) Why does the Father love us? (v. 26) Q: How is Jesus’ mission plan from the Father detailed in verse 28? Why was Jesus sent from the Father’s Presence to earth? What was His mission? Q: How did the disciples know that Jesus knows all things? (vs. 29, 30) Q: Why were the disciples “scattered?” (vs. 32) Why would Jesus never be alone? (vs. 32) Q: What did Jesus say in this passage that would create peace in the hearts of the disciples? (vs. 33) Did Jesus promise His followers an easy life, always prosperous and healthy? (vs. 33) So where do we draw our joy and confidence from in verse 33?

In Christ Alone - Part 77

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 16:16–24

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of July 4th, 2022 Q: Who do you miss, knowing you will see them again on this earth? What do you miss about time them? FIRST READ: John 16:16-24 Q: What does Jesus mean by His description of coming events in Verse 16? What are the events He is describing? Q: When would the disciples “see” Jesus again? (v. 17) How would Jesus’ next appearance galvanize the disciple’s willingness to sacrifice their lives? Q: When will the disciples “weep and lament?” When and why will the world “rejoice?” (v.20) What will turn their sorrow to joy? Q: How does Jesus’ description of childbirth apply to upcoming events? (v. 21) How strong is the promise of joy to believers in verses 21-22? How long will Jesus’ joy last? (v. 22) Q: How does access and answers to prayer affect our joy? (v. 23) Q: What does it mean to “ask in Jesus’ name?” How does this affect the content of our prayers?