
In Christ Alone - Part 85

The "king" and the King

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 19:1–16

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of September 5th

Q: Have you ever been slapped? How is a slap different from a punch? What residual emotions remain from this event? Why is slapping so insulting?

FIRST READ: John 19:1-16
Q: Read Matthew 5:38-40. What is Jesus’ ethic regarding retaliation for offenses? What does Jesus tell us to do with “an evil person?”

Q: In verse 19:3, was “King of the Jews” a technically correct title for Jesus’ role?

Q: Pilate found no guilt in Jesus. Do you think the religious authorities found actual guilt in Jesus? If so, what were their actual charges against Jesus?

Q: Why was Pilate “frightened” by the condemnation of Jesus? (v. 8)

Q: In verse 9, why was the origin of Jesus important to the Jewish leaders? Why was it important enough for Pilate to ask Him this question?

Q: In verses 9, 10, why did Jesus refuse to respond to Pilate’s question? How is this like the prophecy in Isaiah 53:7?

Q: In your own words, explain Jesus’ answer in verse 11.

Q: Why did the Jews respond with the political answer in verse 12.

In Christ Alone - Final

October 23, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 21:18–25

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 24th Q: If you could ask God when and how you will die, would you want to know? FIRST READ: John 21:18-25 Q: Why did Jesus tell Peter the nature of his death? What did Jesus say about the purpose of Peter’s death? (v. 19) Q: Why does John link Jesus’ notification of Peter’s death so closely to the repeated command to “follow me?” (v. 19) Does this seem strange to you? Q: Why do you think Peter inquired about John’s future? (v. 21) What was in Peter’s heart after Jesus gave him the news about his end? Q: Why did Jesus respond in the way he did to Peter’s question? What do we learn about life and the future from Jesus’ response? (v. 22) Q: Do you think verse 25 is hyperbole? What were the other kinds of things Jesus did? What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles?

In Christ Alone - Part 90

October 16, 2022 • Pastor Luke Dailey • John 21:15–19

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 10th Q: Apart from God, what/who do you love most on this earth? FIRST READ: John 21:15-19 Q: When Jesus asks Peter, “do you love me more than these?”, what are the “these” Jesus refers to? The other disciples? The fishing industry? Breakfast? Q: What did Jesus mean when He commanded Peter to “Feed my lambs?” Whose lambs are they? Why did Jesus refer to them as “lambs” and not “sheep?” How was Peter to “. . . feed them? Q: Why did Jesus ask Peter essentially the same question three times? Why did He shift to using the word, “tend?” instead of “feed?” Q: Why was Peter “grieved?” (v. 17) Why did He shift back to the term “feed?” How are the apostles and elder/pastors commanded to “feed” and “tend?” Q: What was Peter’s future path? Why did Jesus reveal Peter’s future path in following Jesus? (vs. 17) Q: At the conclusion of this conversation, why did Jesus repeat the command, “. . . follow me?” (vs. 19) How did Peter’s journey with Jesus begin? (READ Matthew 4:18-20) Where does our journey begin?

In Christ Alone - Part 89

October 9, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 21:1–14

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of October 10th Q:What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever experienced in your Christian experience? FIRST READ: John 21:1-14 Q: After all the disciples had seen and heard, what was wrong with Peter’s decision to go back to fishing? (v. 3) What influence did Peter’s decision have on the other disciples? What does this tell you about Peter’s role among the first disciples? Q: What spiritual lesson might be gleaned from these experienced, professional fishermen getting “skunked?” (v. 4) Q: Why did Jesus ask the disciples a question to which He already knew the answer? (v. 4-5) How is the question similar to the question God asked of Adam in Genesis? (READ Genesis 3:8-10) Have you ever sensed God asking you a question similar to this one? Q: What is the difference between John’s response and Peter’s? What does this tell you about Peter’s heart? (vs. 7-8)