
In Christ Alone - Part 77

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Steve Pope • John 16:16–24

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of July 4th, 2022

Q: Who do you miss, knowing you will see them again on this earth? What do you miss about time them?

FIRST READ: John 16:16-24

Q: What does Jesus mean by His description of coming events in Verse 16? What are the events He is describing?

Q: When would the disciples “see” Jesus again? (v. 17) How would Jesus’ next appearance galvanize the disciple’s willingness to sacrifice their lives?

Q: When will the disciples “weep and lament?” When and why will the world “rejoice?” (v.20) What will turn their sorrow to joy?

Q: How does Jesus’ description of childbirth apply to upcoming events? (v. 21) How strong is the promise of joy to believers in verses 21-22? How long will Jesus’ joy last? (v. 22)

Q: How does access and answers to prayer affect our joy? (v. 23)

Q: What does it mean to “ask in Jesus’ name?” How does this affect the content of our prayers?