
A Tale of Two Mountains - Hebrews 12:18-21

Looking to Jesus - Part 46

December 31, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Looking to Jesus, Part 46
A Tale of Two Mountains
Hebrews 12:18-21

Our passage tells the tale of two mountains. The first mountain is ferocious and fearful, a place of flaming fire, darkness, and gloom. Even Moses found himself terrified and trembling there.* The second contains the city of the living God, filled with the singing of angels, joy, and peaceful perfection.

The journey from the first to the second is perilous and, for us, impossible to navigate. Only one man could successfully make the passage from the terror of the unfiltered wrath of a Holy God to the safe-haven of acceptance into a new home in Heaven. His Name is Jesus, and He is the only mediator between God and man.* By the sprinkling of His precious blood, all those who are weary of their sin and who seek a Savior can be called out of the darkness and “into His marvelous light.”*

And now, those who fully trust in Jesus Christ are no longer His enemies, but members of His eternal family, adopted sons and daughters - His firstborn children.

Just glad to be His son,
Pastor Steve

*Exodus 19:16-20
*I Timothy 2:5
*I Peter 2:9