
An Unshakable Kingdom

Looking to Jesus, Part 47

January 7, 2018 • Pastor Steve Pope

Looking to Jesus, Part 47

An Unshakable Kingdom
Hebrews 12:25-29
R.S.V.P. is the abbreviation for the French phrase, répondez, s'il vous plaît. It is common courtesy to respond whether one plans to attend an event or not. This is for the purpose of assisting a host in planning for an event, in order to ensure that provisions are adequate for the crowd in attendance.

R.S.V.P.’s, however, seem to be a courtesy belonging to a by-gone age. If an R.S.V.P. is required for an event, most folks prefer to wait until the last possible moment to commit. This is because we live in an age when people like to keep their options open till the last moment, just in case something better comes along.

I’ve shared the gospel with people who agree with the truth, but are unwilling to R.S.V.P., even to God. Often, the reason is that they are not quite ready to give up the sin that has entangled them and commit to a life of following Jesus. God’s warning is that there will be a day when the invitation to come is ended and the judgment begins.

Our God is a consuming fire. His warning is “time sensitive,” and will be heeded by the wise. God says, “See that you do not refuse him who is speaking.” Today is the day of salvation, and the time of Christ’s return is sooner than it ever has been.

See you Sunday in worship and, hopefully, one day in Heaven!

Pastor Steve

Q: Have you ever been offered a free gift and had to decline the gift? What was the reason?

Q: What the loudest noise you’ve ever heard? How did you react to the sound?

READ FIRST: Hebrews 12:25-29

Q: What is God’s warning to those who “refuse Him who speaks?” (vv. 25) How did the people respond when they heard God speak on Mt. Sanai? (vv. 18, 19) What does this tell about the Voice of God? How did Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection change this? How do we hear from God today?

Q: Name some things “that can be shaken” (vv.26, 27)? What will God do with these things? Why?

Q: What are some things that are “unshakable?”

Q: Thinking about those things that either can or cannot be shaken, how should this affect our decisions in the future? What investments are worthwhile? Are there any changes you’d like to make in light of this reality?

Q; What can we expect to receive? (v. 28) How should we respond to this great joy?