
The Gift of Friendship

Looking to Jesus Part 49 - Hebrews 13:2

January 21, 2018 • Pastor Steve Pope

Looking to Jesus, Part 49
“The Gift of Friendship”
Hebrews 13:2

In the garden, God saw that “Adam was alone,” and this was the first thing God named “not good” (Gen. 2:19). Loneliness and isolation are the cause of much mental illness and early mortality, according to a recent study by National Academy of Sciences in the United States.

Loneliness is the disease and Jesus’ church is the cure. As people receive the gospel of grace, they are added to the local church. In other words, when folks are born-again, they are adopted into the family of God, and loved unconditionally by Him (Eph. 1:15).

In Hebrews 13:1, God commands that followers of Jesus love one another continually. In Hebrews 13:2, He commands that we also love people who are outside the local church. God’s strategy is simple; show hospitality. Hospitality, is a command with a promise of immediate blessing from God (philonexia = love of strangers).

When’s the last time you had someone over for dinner? Open your heart to God; open your heart to strangers and open your homes as God’s preferred vehicle for the transmission of the Life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Love in Christ,
Pastor Steve

Q: When’s the last time you had a non-family member over for dinner? What was the occasion?

Q: Have you ever had the impression that you might have had an “angel encounter?” A time when you suspected that a “supernatural being” was involved?

READ FIRST: Hebrews 13:2

Q: READ Genesis 18:1-8. Who was Abraham “entertaining” as guests? Do you think this still happens to Christians today? And, do you think that “entertaining angels” is a good motive for showing hospitality?

Q: The Greek word “philonexia” literally means “love of strangers,” and refers specifically to hospitality. How does the gift of hospitality communicate the love of Christ?

Q: What can people (hopefully) learn about Jesus by spending time in your home? What virtues are revealed? What would be the strongest message communicated to folks who have dinner with you in your home?

Q: Why do you think this happens so rarely nowadays? What issues would be addressed if people shared a meal in your home? What problems could be solved by this kind of sharing?