
Run Free!

Looking to Jesus Part 43 - Hebrews 12:1-4

November 19, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Looking to Jesus, Part 43
“Run Free!”

READ: Hebrews 12:1-4

Vince Lombardi still ranks first in the history of NFL head coaches. During my childhood, Lombardi led the Green Bay Packers to a total of five NFL championships over a seven year span. Even the names of those who played for him will live on in NFL folk-lore, especially his famous quarterback, Bart Starr. Remembered as on one of the greatest coaches ever to lead in the NFL, even the coveted Super Bowl trophy is named in his honor.

What was Lombard’s secret to success? He summarized his philosophy in simple terms; “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” Lombardi lead winning teams because of his will to win and commitment to persevere in the face of hardship.

If Hebrews chapter 11 is the “great hall of faith,” then Hebrews chapter 12 reveals the secret to this life-impacting faith - perseverance. Those in chapter 11 who lived amazing lives of faith and successfully crossed the finish line of life are those who persevere to the end; never quitting, never giving up.

To quote one of the most famous baseball legends, Babe Ruth said “You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up!”

Hope to see you on Sunday!
Pastor Steve

Home Fellowship, Week of November 20th, 7pm

Q: What’s the farthest or fastest you’ve ever run? Who made your run? Do you enjoy running sprints? distance? not at all?

Q: Do you perform better before a crowd or in private? Why is that?

READ FIRST: Hebrews 12:1-4
Q: How should Christians “run the race?” What does it mean to throw off sin and hindrances? To “run with endurance?” To “fix our eyes upon Jesus?”

Q: How does the faith of others help spur you on. i.e. “great cloud of witnesses"? Or does other people’s faith intimidate and discourage you?

Q: What “weights” do you carry that slow you down as you try to run your race? Greek word for “weight?” onkos = any burden or encumbrance.

Q: When have you experienced “hostility” to your faith? Did it help to “fix your eyes on Jesus?”

Q: “Although they are suffering persecution, the readers were not suffering martyrdom, and hence their main test is fighting their own sinful nature.” * (v.4) Our main test is the battle against our own sin nature. How does this battle slow you down in the race of faith?
(*ESV Study Bible)