
Proof Positive of the Father's Love!

November 26, 2017 - Looking to Jesus Part 44 - Hebrews 12:5-11

November 26, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Proof Positive of the Father’s Love!
Hebrews 12:5-11

Happy Thanksgiving!
As followers of Christ, every day our hearts should be overwhelmed with gratitude toward Him. He has imprinted us with His Image, given us forgiveness and new life, and faithfully walked with us through our darkest days. He is truly a good Father!

When it comes to the absolute proof that we are His sons and daughters, however, nothing declares His love more than His diligent discipline. It may be painful at times, but we all know the truth - its easy to spoil a child and neglect his training. But, if we really love our children, we will train their hearts and minds through discipline. Those who have received loving discipline will enjoy lives that produce “the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”

So, this Thanksgiving, give Him praise for His love and grace. But don’t forget to thank Him for his discipline - it’s the real proof of the Father’s love for His children!

Pastor Steve


Q: What discipline did you sometimes resent as a child that you appreciate now? Practicing piano? Having a place for everything and everything in its place? Submitting work on time? Not overspending your allowance?

Q: In what situations have you had to be “on your best conduct?” Was this difficult for you?

READ FIRST: Hebrews 12:5-11

Q: What does hardship demonstrate about a person’s relationship to God? (VS. 7, 8)

Q: How should a person respond to God when disciplined? How does Christ’s discipline differ from human discipline?

Q: What benefits does discipline bring?

Q: What does it mean to “share in His holiness?” (v.10, and READ I Peter 1:14-16)

Q: How has God disciplined you in the past? How did His discipline lead you to greatest peace?

Q: What’s the hardest thing you’re going through right now? How is God using this in your life?