
Too Good for This World

Looking to Jesus, Part 42

November 12, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Looking to Jesus, Part 42

“Too Good for this World”
Hebrews 11:32-40

Many successful people receive the world’s accolades - politicians who scratch and claw their way to the top; businessmen who acquire a financial empire on earth; athletes who condition their bodies and skills to peak performance standards; academy award winning actors. It’s easy to applaud a winner.

The world’s measures of success, however, are not the same as the virtues of God’s Kingdom. Those who are “counted worthy” by God often live anonymous lives of simple service. God’s choicest servants might even experience harassment and persecution for their service to God.

God’s heart is with the humble and lowly. His compassion is focused on the poor and needy who go “in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated.” He lives with the broken. And on the Day of Christ Jesus, the least in the Kingdom will be considered the greatest.

The applause of Heaven is reserved for those who God declares “too good for this world.”

Hope to see you this Sunday,
Pastor Steve

Home Fellowship, Week of November 13th, 7pm

Q: What is your most important goal right now? Will your life change in some way if that goal is reached? If so, how?

Q: In your life, who has served as the best model of the life of faith? How was this made obvious to you?

READ FIRST: Hebrews 11:32-40

Q: If Christians only experienced the unbroken victories of verses 32-34, how would your view of faith be affected? Would it significantly change your current perspective on God?

Q: And how would your perspective change if godly people only had experiences like the people in verses 35b-37? Does this seem more or less consistent with your view of faith?

Q: Has your personal faith experience been more like the folks in verses 32-34, or like the folks in 35b-37? More tribulation than victory or visa versa?

Q: Neither group received “what was promised.” What was the “something better” that God provided?

Q: How do you define “faith?”

Q: During seasons of victory or seasons of trial, what are some principles that you have found helpful in securing your faith? Encourage your group with these insights!