Jesus, the Lord of Sabbath Rest
March 23, 2025 • Char Brodersen
Char Brodersen gives us a powerful reminder about the Sabbath and asks an important question. Do you know you are loved because of who you are and not what you do? Join us as we explore Mark 2 and discover how this practice invites us into a different way of being—one rooted in grace and wholeness rather than rigid rules. Let’s learn together what it means to truly rest in God’s love.
Jesus, Lord of Sabbath, King of Mercy
March 16, 2025 • Char Brodersen
Char Brodersen continues our journey through Mark 2, asking the questions: Was Jesus actually breaking the Sabbath? What is the Sabbath actually for? Listen as we explore Jesus’ actions on the Sabbath and see his response to human suffering.
A Time of Feasting Not Fasting
March 9, 2025 • Char Brodersen
What would it look like for Orange County to be filled with the knowledge of glory the Lord as the waters cover the sea? What would it look like for this place to be filled with the evidence of God’s presence and kingdom? Find out by watching Char Brodersen as he teaches from Mark Chapter 2 on feasting, not fasting.
His Word Dwelling In Us
March 7, 2025 • Colossians 3:16–17
What happens when we allow the Word of God to dwell in us richly? As we continued our study through Colossians, we were reminded of the transformation that occurs when we allow the Word and Spirit of God access to and influence over our lives. As we live out this new life of faith, God’s Word sustains us in every season. Encouraging us from both Scripture and her own beautiful testimony, Angie Emma pointed to how the Lord can turn our prayers into praise, and how a life filled with the richness of Christ can encourage and share with others.
Eating and Drinking with Those Who Are Far from God
March 2, 2025 • Char Brodersen
Who do you eat and drink with? As disciples of Jesus, we are called to follow in his steps—to alert the outcasts of this world to the kingdom of God by both pursuing them and inviting them into our own lives. Listen as Char Brodersen teaches on what it looks like when Jesus eats with sinners.
The True Way to Be Human
February 28, 2025 • Colossians 3:12–15
In this message, Keilah walked us through the position we hold in Christ, and the new clothes that come with this identity. With honesty and transparency, she shared from a place of depending on the Holy Spirit to live out this new life and walk. We learned that these amazing virtues don’t come as the result of self-help or self-will, but rather as the result of a life surrendered to Jesus Christ and dependent upon the Holy Spirit. As we walk in love, kindness, humility, long-suffering, and forgiveness, our hearts are aligned with His will and our spiritual growth will be evident to all.
Jesus, the Son of Man
February 23, 2025 • Char Brodersen
The miraculous works of Jesus are signs pointing to the kingdom of God, and in chapter 2, Mark begins to pull the veil back on the true identity and authority of Jesus as the King and administrator of God’s kingdom. Watch as Pastor Char teaches on Jesus, the Son of Man.
Put Off, Put On
February 21, 2025 • Colossians 3:5–11
From Paul's words in Colossians 3, Hannah Colt reminded us that our lives are now hidden with Christ. We have been made new! Everything about us has been transformed and changed for the better. As we are transformed, we put off the old nature that no longer suits us (sin, evil passions, covetousness, anger, and malice), and we step into this new life with Christ. We were encouraged to ask God, through silence and solitude, what He wants to say to us about our new identity, and to help us put off the old and choose to put on the new nature.
A Disciple's Invitation to Solitude
February 16, 2025 • Char Brodersen
“For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.” —Psalm 62:1 What does the biblical practice of solitude and silence look like, and why is it essential for disciples? We see in Mark Chapter 1 that Jesus made it a priority to get away into solitary places to commune with his Father. This rhythm gave him clarity and strength to fulfill his mission. And as his disciples, we are called to be like Jesus so we can follow him and do what he did. Watch and listen as Char Brodersen teaches on the invitation to solitude.
The Kingdom of God Breaks Out
February 9, 2025
The Gospel of Mark is set within the context of a cosmic conflict. From the very first chapter, we see the heavens being torn open and the Spirit of God descending upon Jesus, anointing and empowering him for God’s kingdom mission. From there, he is driven into the wilderness for a face-off with the Satan. Having overcome him in the wilderness, Jesus returns to Galilee declaring the good news—that the kingdom of God is at hand, it has broken out! Listen as Char Brodersen continues in Mark Chapter 1.
New Expectations!
February 7, 2025 • Cheryl Brodersen • Colossians 3:1–4
Sometimes without realizing it, we have unrealistic and false expectations of God and others. In this message, Cheryl Brodersen challenged us to recalibrate, re-center, and re-orient our expectations back onto things of Christ. Because Christ is our life and our lives are hidden in him, we should have new expectations! Rather than seeking to meet our own needs and seeking what we want from others, we should pursue and seek after things of eternal value and importance.
Be My Disciple
February 2, 2025 • Char Brodersen
We are called to be disciples of Jesus, but what does that mean? From what we see in the Gospel of Mark, a disciple is to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. The God of the universe invites us into this relationship to be his friend, contemplate his love, and walk in his words, ways, and works. When we do, the image of Jesus leaves its imprint on our lives! Watch as Char Brodersen breaks down what it looks like to follow Jesus and be his disciple.
Set Free
January 31, 2025 • Colossians 2:20–23
In this message, Angie Emma encouraged us that we have been set free from manmade rules and regulations through the grace of God! We asked the question, How would I rather live? Crushed by legalism, or in the freedom granted to me through Christ? God’s desire is that we would walk in freedom: freedom from legalism, and freedom from holding others to the law as well. God draws us to Himself by love, and love transforms us more than the law ever could. We have been made rich because He opened the floodgates of grace, and we are free to extend those riches to others.
The Beginning of the Gospel
January 26, 2025 • Char Brodersen
When the curtain rises on the Gospel of Mark, we find that Israel is still in exile, and it would seem at a moment of crisis. It has been years since any divine intervention or revelation, and despite God’s past favor, the people are now in a state of powerlessness, confusion, and need—they are “Like sheep without a Shepherd.” Israel is waiting and looking for the end of exile; they are looking for the kingdom of God. But the kingdom is coming in a way no one expects. Listen as Char Brodersen begins in Mark chapter 1, diving into the beginning of the Gospel.
Rooted In Christ
January 24, 2025 • Colossians 2:16–19
In this message, Nicolette Walker reminded us that it isn’t rites, rituals, or methods that complete Christ’s work of salvation. These things are merely shadows—Jesus is the substance, the reality! When Jesus illuminates what he has done, all shadows are dispelled. We can rest in the fact that we are complete in Christ. When legalism creeps in, when we are fully attached to Jesus, we can remind ourselves and others of this true gospel. We were challenged to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and to encourage others to do the same.
Herald of the Heavenly Mystery
January 19, 2025 • Char Brodersen
Listen as we begin a year-long verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Mark. Lead Pastor Char Brodersen invites us to come further up and further in to the mystery of how God has become King in the person of Christ, launching the restoration of Israel and the inauguration of the New Creation.
Resting in His Completed Work
January 17, 2025 • Colossians 2:13–15
In this message, Valerie Cimino took us through what we once were—dead in our sins—before Jesus wiped out all of the accusations against us and made us alive in Him. She reminded us that Jesus cleansed our past, cancelled our debt, and the crushed the enemy of our souls; and we don’t need to do anything to be accepted by Him. We need to preach these truths to our own hearts, and as we do, we will find rest in Jesus’s completed work on the cross.
Commission 2025
January 12, 2025 • Brian Brodersen, Char Brodersen
This Sunday, there was a clear sense of the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of the people as we affirmed Char Brodersen as the new Lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. It was a beautiful, heartfelt, and celebratory time with our Calvary Chapel Board, Executive Team, and Sunday Team. If you were not able to join in the morning affirmation, we invite you to watch the gathering back now.
You Are Complete in Him!
January 10, 2025 • Cheryl Brodersen • Colossians 2:8–12
In this message, Cheryl Brodersen reminded us of the powerful truth that all we need is found in Jesus. The church in Colossae was faced with those who wanted to cheat and deceive them out of the freedoms of their faith. We face the same enemy today who, through his craftiness, desires to draw us away from the work Jesus has done on our behalf. But as Cheryl pointed out: “When the enemy whispers the lies, remind yourself: I am complete in Jesus!”
Celebration 2025
January 5, 2025
This Sunday, we celebrated Brian and Cheryl Brodersen's 40+ years of ministry. The day was marked by joy, encouragement, and time in the Scriptures. Both spoke prophetic words over the church that the Lord had given them upon their return to Orange County 25 years ago. In Brian's words, "Cheryl and I rejoice in God's faithfulness over the past 42 years of pastoral ministry and thank him for all the love and kindness we've received from you, his people. It's been the great privilege of our lives to serve Jesus in shepherding his flock."
Advent Reflection
December 29, 2024
Throughout the month of December, we have looked at the Hope, Joy, Love, and Peace that comes through the Advent of Jesus. On this final Sunday of 2024, Char Brodersen considers what it means to continually live in the Advent spirit—in expectation of the arrival of the Lord Jesus, not only when he comes to make all things new, but his arrival and presence with us each day through the Holy Spirit.