
May 27th, 2018

Exodus 34

May 27, 2018 • Pastor Josh Kee

Passage: Exodus 34

Title: God’s Glory Revealed Through Mercy

Summary: This week we will look at perhaps the most significant passage in Scripture in regards to God’s relationship with mankind. Join us as we stare into one of the most glorious statements ever made by God, asking ourselves where our hope finds its foundation and where our worship finds it source.

I. Moses’s Request (33:18-23) — “Show me your glory"

II. God Reveals His Glory (34:1-7) — Proclaims His name
a) God’s Glory is His Character (vv. 6-7)
b) God’s character is the basis of His covenant (vv. 1-5)
c) God’s character is affirmed in five statements (vv. 6-7)
d) God is holy and will not pardon the wicked (v. 7)

III. Moses’s Prayer (34:8-9) — “Go with us and undergird a stiff-necked people"

IV. God’s Response (34:10-28) — “I will make a covenant with you"

V. Moses speaks to the people (34:29-35) — The glory of the word of the LORD

1. What do verses 6-7 reveal about God’s character?

2. What is the basis of your hope as a Christian? Are you experiencing hope?

3. What is the basis of your worship as a Christian? Do you struggle to worship God? Why?

4. Are you trusting anything besides God’s character, promises, and faithfulness for your security? What else are you trusting?

5. Is your joy rooted in God’s mercy toward you? Are you enjoying God’s mercy toward you? Are you assuming God will be merciful toward you without turning to him?

6. If you have received God‘s mercy, how quick are you to extend that mercy to others who need it in your life?

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