
May 6th, 2018

Exodus 23:20-24:18

May 6, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: God's Providential Presence
Passage: Exodus 23:20-24:18

1. God fights for his people (23:)
o Our response:
 Heed what he says (21-24)
 Worship him alone (24-27)
o His provision:
 He will provide everything you need for life (25b-26).
 He will accomplish his will and plans for you (27-33).
2. God desires fellowship with those who are his (24:1-18).
o Submission and Sprinkling (3-8)
o Access (9-18)

Main Idea: God has provided everything necessary for his holy people to enjoy life in relationship with him.

Application questions:

• In 23:20–33, what does God say he will do for his people? What does this look like for us today?
• What responsibilities do we have in these same verses?
• In chapter 24, what is God trying to teach his people by limiting access to his presence?
• Why did the people need to be sprinkled with blood in verse eight, what does this demonstrate to us?
• What encouragement can we take today from this text?

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