
June 3rd, 2018

Exodus 40

June 3, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Exodus 40
Theme: God dwells with his holy people

What we learn about God from the end of Exodus:
• God immanently resides
• God transcendently abides
• God providentially guides

What we learn about us in contrast to Israel from the end of Exodus:
• We permanently display God’s glory.
• We continually access God's presence.
• We confidently walk by God’s guidance.

Main Idea: As God’s holy people, we possess and reflect God’s presence individually and corporately.

Application Questions:
1. How is it that one receives God’s presence in their lives today? Can we lose God’s presence in our lives?
2. Read Exodus 34:29–35 and 2 Corinthians 3:12-18. What contrast does Paul make between Moses’s display of God’s glory and the way God’s glory is displayed in the lives of believers? In what ways is this comforting to you? What applications does Paul make for us in 2 Cor. 4?
3. Compare and contrast the presence and worship of God in the tabernacle with his presence and worship in the church today.
4. How does the knowledge that God guides his children give you confidence to approach life?

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