
July 22, 2018

1 Peter 2: 4-10

July 22, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 2:4–10
Theme: God’s Building Project

1 Peter 2:4–10 describes two projects God is building:

1. God’s House (2:4–8)
a. Jesus represents the foundational Stone upon which the house is built.
i. Living
ii. Rejected by people
iii. Chosen and precious to God
b. Those who come to Jesus are the stones God uses to build his house
i. Purpose: to establish a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices to God.
ii. Status: Honor despite the shame of this world.
c. Those who reject Jesus stumble over the Living Stone.
i. Result: They fall to their own destruction
ii. Reason: They disobey the word; this is God’s will for those who reject Christ.
2. God’s People (2:9–10)
a. Identity: chosen race; royal priesthood; holy nation; people of his own
b. Purpose: God has chosen us to proclaim his actions towards us.
c. Basis: God extends mercy to us sinners who believe in Jesus, the Living Stone.

Application Questions:
• According to 2:4–8, what elements compose God’s House? Who is included and why? Who is excluded and why?
• How are those who come to Christ a priesthood? What does this priesthood mean. and what doesn’t it mean?
• How do we offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God (2:5)?
• Discuss the various elements that describe God’s people in v. 9. How are these encouraging to you?
• In what ways have you been a recipient of God’s mercy (v. 10)?

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